"A Community Analysis of the Implementation for Household Curbside Recy" by Kathryn Zelenak

A Community Analysis of the Implementation for Household Curbside Recycling Programs: A Diversionary Method to Control Municipal Solid Waste

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Applied Science

Organizational Unit

University College, Environmental Policy and Management


Environmental Policy & Mgmt

First Advisor

John Hill


Alaska, Anchorage, Dual-stream, GIS, Geographic information system, Household curbside recycling, CRP, Pay-as-you-throw, PAYT, Psychographic, Single-stream, Solid waste management


The Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) is required to better manage, operate and control municipal solid waste (MSW) after the Anchorage Assembly instituted a Zero Waste Policy. Two household curbside recycling programs (CRPs), pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) and single-stream, were compared and evaluated to determine an optimal municipal solid waste diversion method for households within the MOA. The analyses find: (1) a CRP must be designed from comprehensive analysis, models and data correlation that combine demographic and psychographic variables; and (2) CRPs can be easily adjusted towards community-specific goals using technology, such as Geographic Information System (GIS) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Combining resources of policy-makers, businesses, and other viable actors are necessary components to produce a sustainable, economically viable curbside recycling program.

Publication Statement

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