"EPA Performance Track" by Karen Nielsen

EPA Performance Track

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Applied Science

Organizational Unit

University College, Environmental Policy and Management


Environmental Policy & Mgmt

First Advisor

Steven Arnold


EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, Performance track, Voluntary


Currently no midstream natural gas companies are members of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Performance Track program. Literature exists about Performance Track in terms of improving policy and the environment. This applied capstone project looks at Performance Track from the perspective of a natural gas company and the benefits and costs of to the company itself. The project reviews existing research and examines a case study comparison between one Performance Track member in the energy industry versus non-members. If a midstream natural gas company lists environmental excellence as an internal indicator for company success Performance Track is a viable program choice. With the proper communication, preparation, and procedures, Performance Track membership can be achieved without external assistance.

Publication Statement

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