"Comprehensive Reclamation Strategy for Oil & Gas Exploration and Produ" by Heather Smith

Comprehensive Reclamation Strategy for Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Operations

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Applied Science

Organizational Unit

University College, Environmental Policy and Management


Environmental Policy & Mgmt

First Advisor

Kathy Flanagan


Compliance, Gas, Oil, Policy, Reclamation, Rehabilitation, Restoration, Strategy


Reclamation is increasingly coming to the forefront of public and land managers' concerns regarding oil and gas operations in the arid western United States. Strategic planning is needed to meet reclamation goals and objectives. Based on interviews conducted with personnel involved in reclamation, recommendations are given to develop a comprehensive strategy that will aid oil and gas companies in achieving reclamation goals. The recommendations include adopting a corporate reclamation mission statement, implementing a reclamation policy, and hiring full-time reclamation staff. Incorporating these recommendations into oil and gas exploration and production operations will lead to time and cost savings for companies in the long-term, and will aid in more efficient and effective rehabilitation of land damaged from oil and gas activities.

Publication Statement

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