"Transcending Cultural and Language Differences: Ethical Codes of Condu" by Ashley O'Neill

Transcending Cultural and Language Differences: Ethical Codes of Conduct for Translators and Interpreters in Afghanistan

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Liberal Studies

Organizational Unit

University College, Global Community Engagement


Global Affairs

First Advisor

Heather Booth


Afghanistan, Translation, Codes of conduct, Bilingualism, Interpretation, American Translators Association, International, United States, Trade


This project examines what an ethical code of conduct would look like in Afghanistan through analysis of historical, cultural and linguistic aspects found within its regions, as well as an examination of ethical codes of conduct for translators and interpreters in other countries. While numerous ethical guidelines and codes of conduct for translators and interpreters exist throughout global communities, it seems that creating a successful standardized ethical code of conduct in Afghanistan may be difficult to achieve given cultural and linguistic complexities. An ethical code of conduct for translators and interpreters in Afghanistan should include particular focus on: cultural sensitivity and courtesy, impartiality, conflict of interest, options for withdrawal, as well as reflect the importance of Pashtunwali.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.

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