Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
B.A. in Emergent Digital Practices and International Studies
Organizational Unit
College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences, Emergent Digital Practices
First Advisor
Rafael Fajardo
Copyright Statement / License for Reuse
All Rights Reserved.
Flowers, Extinct, 3D models, Graphic design, Digital book, Multiple mediums, Personality, History
This project is a study into extinct flowers, their histories, environments, biology, colors, and assigned personalities then manifested in 3D models and a digital book. The goal was to select six flowers with interesting histories and or cultural connections. Since the flowers can, for the most part, not be seen or kept they were created in Blender as accurately as possible. To give people a means of connection with the flowers, each was assigned a personality based on different factors. These factors could be the colors they possess, where geographically they thrived, parts of their history, and biological factors. To allow these personalities to further flourish color spaces were created in Affinity Designer to be applied not only as the background of the models but the background of half of the book’s pages. The digital bool was created in Affinity Designer, and it sports rendered images of the 3D modeled flowers, information on the flowers, and a designed page with the flowers, their name in chrome lettering created in Adobe Illustrator and Blender, and the aura color spaces. Each person who interacts with the book is encouraged to pick out flowers they connect to and create their own garden of these now-gone flowers.
Copyright Date
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Haven Hinds
Received from author
File Format
English (eng)
File Size
6.65 MB
Supplementary File Description
The .zip archive contains two files:
1. Flower Study - Honors Thesis
- File Format: application/pdf
- Language: English (eng)
- Extent: 16 pgs
- File Size: 111 KB
2. Flower Study - Capstone Project
- File Format: application/pdf
- Language: English (eng)
- Extent: 16 pgs
- File Size: 6.9 MB
Recommended Citation
Hinds, Haven, "Flower Study" (2024). Undergraduate Theses, Capstones, and Recitals. 27.
Included in
Graphic Design Commons, Interactive Arts Commons, Interdisciplinary Arts and Media Commons, Other History Commons, Other Plant Sciences Commons