Volume 12, Issue 1 (2020)
Collaboration in a Time of Crisis: Lessons from COVID-19
Michael Levine-Clark and Jill Emery
What Collaboration Means to Us: Trust, Laughter, & Scholarly Productivity
Monica Rysavy and Russell Michalak
What Collaboration Means to Us: Access Is Lost - What now?
Michael Ladisch and Beth Callahan
Libraries are open - only the buildings are closed
Lori Bowen Ayre and Jim Craner
From the Field
Public Libraries Respond to the Opioid Crisis with Their Communities: Research Findings
Michele Coleman, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, and Kendra Morgan
Peer Reviewed Articles
Context is Key: Library and Archive Collaboration for Digital Projects
Joy M. Perrin and Robert G. Weaver
What We Talk about When We Talk about Quality: A Librarian and Instructor Compare How They Assess Students' Sources
Elizabeth Pickard and Sarah Sterling
The Efficient Team-Driven Quality Scholarship Model: A Process Evaluation of Collaborative Research
Johanna Alexander, Andrea Anderson, Sandra Bozarth, Heather Cribbs, Kristine Holloway, Christopher Livingston, Terezita Overduin, and Ying Zhong