Volume 9, Issue 2 (2017)
The Library As Network Hub
Jill Emery and Michael Levine-Clark
From the Field
Reproducibility Librarianship
Vicky Steeves
At the Center of Things: How an Academic Library Built a Bridge between Art and Science on Campus
Michelle Catalano, Catherine Essinger, Suzanne Ferimer, Stephanie Lewin-Lane, and Porcia Vaughn
Librarians Doing DH: A Team and Project-Based Approach to Digital Humanities in the Library
Lydia Bello, Madelynn Dickerson, Margaret Hogarth, and Ashley Sanders
Diversity Residency Programs: Strategies for a Collaborative Approach to Development
Chanelle Pickens and Ashleigh D. Coren
Peer Reviewed Articles
Academic Libraries and Non-Academic Departments: A Survey and Case Studies on Liaising Outside the Box
Amy Wainwright and Chris Davidson