"White Racial Framing in the Principalship: Implications for Culturall" by Guerin Gray

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation in Practice

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Morgridge College of Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

First Advisor

Lolita A. Tabron, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Ellen Miller-Brown, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Doris E. Candelarie, Ph.D.


White racial framing, Culturally responsive school leadership, Racism, Antiracism, Equity


The history of the American educational system is rife with examples of racism and denial of equal access and opportunity to students of color. Despite efforts to close the opportunity gap, inequity remains. In this action research study, I explored my own leadership, utilizing surveys of stakeholders and focus group conversations to gain perspective on how my leadership impacts the school community. I compared these experiences with the tenets of culturally responsive school leadership that is a path toward greater equity. Concurrently, I reflected deeply upon my leadership, enlisting critical colleagues to help uncover ways in which my leadership toward culturally responsive practice is limited by my white racial framing. I found a need for greater engagement of all stakeholders, and that I was most obviously influenced by white racial framing when I neglected to engage all stakeholders or when I focused on my own actions rather than the impacts of such actions. I created a plan to begin implementing CRSL in collaboration with the community and to continue working to uncover, unpack, and confront WRF through critically reflecting and sharing reflection with critical colleagues and school stakeholders.

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