Date of Award


Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name


Organizational Unit

Daniel Felix Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science, Computer Science

First Advisor

Sanchari Das

Second Advisor

Maria M. Calbi

Third Advisor

Rinku Dewri

Fourth Advisor

Nate Evans


E-payment, Mobile application, Older adults, Privacy, Security, Usability


In an increasingly digital world, older adults are rapidly becoming a vital demographic in the realm of electronic financial transactions. It is imperative to address their unique needs and challenges to ensure their financial well-being. Older adults can be more vulnerable to various online threats, making security and privacy paramount. As they adapt to the digital age, understanding their specific privacy concerns and preferences is crucial for creating trustworthy e-payment systems. Moreover, enhancing the usability of e-payment applications for older adults promotes financial independence and inclusion, contributing to their overall quality of life. By focusing on these critical dimensions, we can enable older adults to confidently and securely navigate the digital financial landscape, ultimately fostering financial security and independence in their later years.

Therefore, in this thesis, we conduct a thorough investigation into financial transactions, beginning with the analysis of thousands of global websites offering payment services, categorized by function and assessed for security. Our focus then narrows to examine the privacy and security of a selected group of e-commerce websites. Transitioning to mobile applications, we scrutinize e-commerce apps, distinguishing between U.S. and non-U.S. origins. Our research extends to e-payment applications, where we examine the top 50 in terms of security, privacy, accessibility, and user interaction. The study then shifts to a specialized exploration of e-payment applications designed for older adults, informed by an extensive literature review. Guided by feedback from a pilot study and an IRB-approved survey, the culmination of this work results in the development of an e-payment application tailored for older adults. Additionally, this thesis includes a comprehensive set of guidelines to inform the creation of future e-payment applications for this demographic.

Copyright Date


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Rights Holder

Urvashi Kishnani


Received from ProQuest

File Format



English (eng)


314 pgs

File Size

3.1 MB


Computer science

Available for download on Saturday, December 13, 2025
