Date of Award
Document Type
Masters Thesis
Degree Name
Organizational Unit
College of Natural Science and Mathematics
First Advisor
Donald Sullivan, Ph.D.
Second Advisor
Michael Kerwin
Third Advisor
Michael Daniels
Fourth Advisor
Daniel Muhs
Climate, Dust, Holocene, Paleowind, Rocky Mountains
Potential indications of long-term trends in paleoclimate, specifically winds, in the Southern Rocky Mountain region of the United States were tested using lacustrine sediment from South Blue Lake in the Wet Mountains of Colorado. This study builds upon existing eolian and lacustrine research, and investigates paleowind in a location not yet studied in this manner. Variability in sediment laminae, particle size, and mineralogy show similar patterns during the mid-Holocene warm period (ca. 5500 cal. yr BP - ca. 6000 cal. yr BP). These patterns indicate a warmer, drier, windier period that is contrasted by a less variable period in the recent Holocene. Windblown sediment dominates the South Blue Lake core and supports long-term, continuous eolian contribution to sediment of a sub-alpine lake. Results from this study support the hypothesis that dust is transported to the Southern Rocky Mountain region from a distal source (>400km ) to the west. Mega-drought conditions in the source region likely provide sediment supply and availability for transport to the Southern Rocky Mountain region.
Copyright Date
August 2013
Publication Statement
Copyright is held by the author. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Rights Holder
Rebecca L. Brice
Received from ProQuest
File Format
File Size
104 p.
Recommended Citation
Brice, Rebecca L., "A Paleoenvironmental Investigation of Eolian Influx in Lacustrine Sediments of the Southern Rocky Mountain Region" (2013). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 87.
Physical geography, Paleoclimate science