"Maternal HIV, Substance Use Role Modeling, and Adolescent Girls' Alcoh" by Julie A. Cederbaum, Erick G. Guerrero et al.

Maternal HIV, Substance Use Role Modeling, and Adolescent Girls' Alcohol Use

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Organizational Units

Graduate School of Social Work


Adolescents, Alcohol use, Maternal HIV, Role modeling


Parental role modeling has a major influence on adolescent alcohol use. Our study examined maternal factors associated with daughters’ alcohol use among inner-city racial minority adolescents of HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected mothers. A nonprobability sample of 176 mothers (37% with HIV) and their adolescent daughters completed self-administered surveys. Between- and within-group analyses were conducted using hierarchical multivariate logistic regressions. Findings showed that in the full sample, difficulty talking with daughters about alcohol was positively associated with alcohol use among daughters, whereas maternal report of importance of religion was negatively associated with alcohol use among daughters. Within-group analysis of participants by maternal HIV status revealed that maternal beliefs that drinking alcohol in front of their daughters was normative were associated with higher odds of adolescent alcohol use in households with HIV-infected mothers. These preliminary findings highlight the potential increased vulnerability of racial minority adolescent girls living in households with HIV-infected mothers.

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