Faculty Scholarship from the University of Denver's Graduate School of Social Work | Graduate School of Social Work | University of Denver
Scholarship created by the faculty of the University of Denver's Graduate School of Social Work. A social work program informed and drive by social justice.


Submissions from 2024


Environmental Justice and Social Work: A Study Across Practice Settings in Three U.S. States, Lisa Reyes Mason, Sierra Roach Coye, Smitha Rao, Amy Krings, and Julia Santucci

Submissions from 2022


Sources and Types of Social Supports and Their Association with Mental Health Symptoms and Life Satisfaction among Young Adults with a History of Out-of-Home Care, Rhiannon Evans, Colleen C. Katz, Anthony Fulginiti, and Heather N. Taussig


Molecular Biomarkers of Adult Human and Dog Stress During Canine-Assisted Interventions: A Systematic Scoping Review, Jaci Gandenberger, Erin Flynn, Em Moratto, Ashley Wendt, and Kevin Morris


“We Are Doing the Absolute Most That We Can, and No One Is Listening”: Barriers and Facilitators to Health Literacy Within Transgender and Nonbinary Communities, C. Riley Hostetter, Jarrod Call, Donald R. Gerke, Brendon T. Holloway, N. Eugene Walls, and Jennifer C. Greenfield

Submissions from 2021


Keeping Each Other Safe: Who Checks on Their Neighbors During Weather Extremes in Summer and Winter?, Lisa Reyes Mason and Christine C. Ekenga

Submissions from 2020

Partnering for Success: Implementing a Cross-systems Collaborative Model between Behavioral Health and Child Welfare, Richard P. Barth, Leslie J. Rozeff, Suzanne Kerns, and Melinda J. Baldwin

Social Support and Pregnancy Attitudes among Youth Experiencing Homelessness, Stephanie Begun, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Carolyn O'Connor, and Eric Rice


How Peer Support Specialists Uniquely Initiate and Build Connection with Young People Experiencing Homelessness, James Erangey, Connor Marvin, Danielle Maude Littman, Meredith Mollica, Kimberly Bender, Tom Lucas, and Tara Milligan

A Swedish National Study: Immigrant-country of Birth Status and Child Welfare Compulsory Care among a Sample of Parents with Risky Substance Use, Amy S. He, Mojgan Padyab, Jennifer A. Sedivy, and Lena Lundgren

Firearm Violence Exposure and Suicidal Ideation among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness, Hsun-Ta Hsu, Anthony Fulginiti, Robin Petering, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Diane Santa Maria, Jama Shelton, Kimberly Bender, Sarah Narendorf, and Kristin Ferguson

The Relationship Between School Disciplinary Resolutions with School Climate and Attitudes toward School, Francis Huang and Yolanda Anyon

System Involvement among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness: Characteristics of Four System-involved Subgroups and Relationship to Risk Outcomes, Sarah C. Narendorf, Daphne M. Brydon, Diane Santa Maria, Kimberly Bender, Kristin M. Ferguson, Hsun-Ta Hsu, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Jama Shelton, and Robin Petering

System Involvement among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness: Characteristics of Four System-involved Subgroups and Relationship to Risk Outcomes., Sarah C. Narendorf, Daphne M. Brydon, Diane Santa Maria, Kimberly Bender, Kristin M. Ferguson, Hsun-Ta Hsu, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Jama Shelton, and Robin Petering

Gaps in Sexual Assault Health Care among Homeless Young Adults, Diane M. Santa Maria, Khara Breeden, Stacy A. Drake, Sarah C. Narendorf, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Robin Petering, Hsun-Ta Hsu, Jama Shelton, Kristin Ferguson-Colvin, and Kimberly Bender

Predictors of Father-child Relationship Quality Among Adolescents at Risk of Maltreatment, Susan Yoon, Erin Tebben, Jennifer Bellamy, Guijin Lee, Dalhee Yoon, and Wonhee Kim

Submissions from 2019

Reconciling Adaptation and Fidelity: Implications for Scaling Up High Quality Youth Programs, Yolanda Anyon, Joe Roscoe, Kimberly Bender, Heather K. Kennedy, Jonah Dechants, Stephanie Begun, and Christine Gallager

On the Fringes: How Youth Experiencing Homelessness Conceptualize Social and Economic Inequality- a Photovoice Study, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Jonah P. DeChants, Daphne M. Brydon, Andrea Portillo, and Kimberly Bender

Prevalence and Correlates of Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs (NMUPD) among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness in Seven Cities across the United States., Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Hsun-Ta Hsu, Daphne M. Brydon, Robin Petering, Diane Santa Maria, Sarah Narendorf, Jama Shelton, Kimberly Bender, and Kristin Ferguson

Adverse Childhood Experiences and their Relationship to Complex Health Profiles among Child Welfare-involved Children: A Classification and Regression Tree Analysis, Samantha Marie Brown, Kimberly Bender, Rebecca Orsi, Julie S. McCrae, Jon D. Phillips, and Shauna Rienks

Sociodemographic and Substance Use Characteristics Associated with Typologies and Composition of Social Support Networks Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Los Angeles, USA, Samantha M. Brown, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Katie Massey Combs, and Eric Rice

Ready to Teach All Children? Unpacking Early Childhood Educators’ Feelings of Preparedness for Working with Children with Disabilities, Mindy R. Chadwell, Amy M. Roberts, and Alexandra M. Daro

Environmental Literacy and Nature Experience in Chengdu, China, Susan Clayton, Sarah M. Bexell, Ping Xu, Ya Fei Tang, Wen Jing Li, and Li Chen

Evidence-based Sexual Health Programs for Youth Involved with Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems: Outcomes across Settings, Katie Massey Combs, Elizabeth M. Aparicio, Dana M. Prince, Claudette Grinnell-Davis, Laura Marra, and Monica Faulkner

Relationships Between Parenting and Dangerous Substance Use Behaviors among Youth Experiencing Homelessness, Katie Massey Combs, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Stephanie Begun, and Eric Rice

Individual and Social Network Correlates of Sexual Health Communication among Youth Experiencing Homelessness, Jaih B. Craddock, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Katie Massey Combs, Anthony Fulginiti, and Eric Rice

Incorporating Youth Voice into Services for Young People Experiencing Homelessness., Jonah Dechants, Kimberly Bender, and Kelsey Stone

Patient Perspectives on a Text Messaging Program to Support Asthma Management: A Qualitative Study, Reina Doyle, Karen Albright, Laura P. Hurley, Catia Chávez, Melanie Stowell, Suzanne Dircksen, Edward P. Havranek, and Mark Anderson

Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Internalizing Symptoms: The Moderating Fffects of Positive Relationships with Pets and Animal Cruelty Exposure, Roxanne D. Hawkins, Shelby Elaine McDonald, Kelly O’Connor, Angela Matijczak, Frank R. Ascione, and James Herbert Williams

More than Data Collectors: A Systematic Review of the Environmental Outcomes of Youth Inquiry Approaches in the United States., Heather Kennedy, Jonah DeChants, Kimberly Bender, and Yolanda Anyon

Early Adolescent Critical Consciousness Development in the Age of Trump, Heather Kennedy, Savahanna Matyasic, Lynn Schofield Clark, Corey Engle, Yolanda Anyon, Margo Weber, Carlos Jimenez, Mike Osiemo Mwirigi, and Stephanie Nisle

Advancing the Innovation of Family Meeting Models: The Role of Teamwork and Parent Engagement in Improving Permanency, Jangmin Kim, Mark Trahan, Jennifer Bellamy, and James A. Hall

The Reunification of American Indian Children in Long-term Foster Care, Ashley L. Landers, Jennifer Bellamy, Sharon M. Danes, Alan McLuckie, and Sandy White Hawk

Measuring the Impact of Public Perceptions on Child Welfare Workers, Catherine K. Lawrence, Wendy Zeitlin, Charles Auerbach, Sreyashi Chakravarty, and Shauna L. Rienks

The Associations of Constructive and Destructive Interparental Conflict to Child Well-Being Among Low-income Families, Joyce Y. Lee, Garrett T. Pace, Shawna J. Lee, and Inna Altschul

Consolidated Measures of Activity among Older Adults: Results of a Three Data Set Comparison, Yung Soo Lee, Michelle Putnam, Nancy Morrow-Howell, Megumi Inoue, Jennifer C. Greenfield, and Huajuan Chen

Implications for PrEP Uptake in Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness: A Mixed Methods Study., Diane Santa Maria, Kathryn R. Gallardo, Sarah Narendorf, Robin Petering, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Charlene Flash, Hsun-Ta Hsu, Jama Shelton, Kristin Ferguson, and Kimberly Bender

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Complex Health Concerns among Child Welfare-involved Children, Julie S. McCrae, Kimberly Bender, Samantha M. Brown, Jon D. Phillips, and Shauna Rienks

Identifying Psychosocial Problems among Children and Youth in the Child Welfare System Using the PSC-17: Exploring Convergent and Discriminant Validity with Multiple Informants, Elizabeth M. Parker, Jedediah Jacobson, Michael D. Pullmann, and Suzanne E. U. Kerns

Social Network Based Substance Abuse Prevention via Network Modification (a preliminary study), Aida Rahmattalabi, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Phebe Vayanos, Milind Tambe, Eric Rice, and Robin Baker

Psychometric Evaluation of a Brief Assessment of Parents’ Disciplinary Alternatives, Christina M. Rodriguez, Shannon M. O. Wittig, and Maria-Ernestina Christl

Feasibility of a Mindfulness-based Intervention with Sheltered Youth Experiencing Homelessness., Diane Santa Maria, Paula Cuccaro, Kimberly Bender, Stanley Cron, Micki Fine, and Erica Sibinga

Knowledge and Attitudes about Pre-exposure Prophylaxis among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness in Seven U.S. Cities., Diane Santa Maria, Charlene A. Flash, Sarah Narendorf, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Robin Petering, Hsun-Ta Hsu, Jama Shelton, Kimberly Bender, and Kristin Ferguson

Introduction to the Special Section on Public Impact Scholarship in Social Work: A Conceptual Review and Call to Action, Shannon M. Sliva, Jennifer C. Greenfield, Kimberly Bender, and Stacey Freedenthal


A Positive Youth Development Approach to Improving Mental Health Outcomes for Maltreated Children in Foster Care: Replication and Extension of an RCT of the Fostering Healthy Futures Program, Heather N. Taussig, Lindsey M. Weiler, Edward F. Garrido, Tara Rhodes, Ashley Boat, and Melody Fadell

Pathways to Recidivism for Women Released From Prison: A Mediated Model of Abuse, Mental Health Issues, and Substance Use, Stephen Tripodi, Carrie Pettus-Davis, Kimberly Bender, Michael Fitzgerald, Tanya Renn, and Stephanie Kennedy

Academic, Psychosocial, and Demographic Correlates of School-based Health Center Utilization: Patterns by Service Type, Kelly Whitaker, Susan I. Stone, Yolanda Anyon, Stacey Blankenbaker, and Alicia Rozum

Newly Educated MSW Social Workers' Use of Evidence-Based Practice and Evidence-Supported Interventions: Results From an Online Survey, Traci L. Wike, Melissa Grady, Sarah E. Bledsoe, Jennifer L. Bellamy, Hilary Stim, and Caren Putzu

Beyond the Classroom: The Impact of a University-based Civic Hackathon Addressing Homelessness., Jennifer Wilson, Kimberly Bender, and Jonah DeChants

"We have to Educate Every Single Student, not just the Ones that Look like Us": Support Service Providers' Beliefs about the Root Causes of the School-to-prison Pipeline for Youth of Color, Jessica L. Yang, Yolanda Anyon, Malina Pauline, Katherine E. Wiley, Donna Cash, Barbara J. Downing, Eldridge Greer, Ellen Kelty, Thomas Lee Morgan, and Lisa Pisciotta

Submissions from 2018

"It’s All About the Relationships”: Educators’ Rationales and Strategies for Building Connections with Students to Prevent Exclusionary School Discipline Outcomes, Yolanda Anyon, Brittanie Atteberry-Ash, Jessica Lynn Yang, Malina Pauline, Katherine Wiley, Donna Cash, Barbara Downing, Eldridge Greer, and Lisa Pisciotta

A Systematic Review of Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) in the United States: Methodologies, Youth Outcomes, and Future Directions., Yolanda Anyon, Kimberly Bender, Heather K. Kennedy, and Jonah Dechants

Youth-led Participatory Action Research: Promoting Youth Voice and Adult Support in Afterschool Programs., Yolanda Anyon, Heather Kennedy, Rebecca Durbahn, and Jeffrey M. Jenson

NEPC Review: “The Academic and Behavioral Consequences of Discipline Policy Reform: Evidence from Philadelphia”, Yolanda Anyon and Kathryn Wiley

The Evolution of a Multi-stakeholder Research-practice Partnership on Equity in School Discipline., Yolanda Anyon, Jessica Lynn Yang, Katherine Wiley, Eldridge Greer, Barbara J. Downing, Ricardo Martinez, and Daniel Kim

The Relative Influence of Injunctive and Descriptive Social Norms on Methamphetamine, Heroin, and Injection Drug Use Among Homeless Youths: The Impact of Different Referent Groups., Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Jaih Craddock, Elizabeth Bowen, Rohan Das, and Eric Rice

The Digital Lives of Youth Who are Homeless: Implications for Intervention, Policy, and Services, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Eric Rice, Laura Onasch-Vera, and Mary Hemler

Social Connectedness, Self-efficacy, and Mental Health Outcomes among Homeless Youth: Prioritizing Approaches to Service Provision in a Time of Limited Agency Resources, Stephanie Begun, Kimberly Bender, Samantha M. Brown, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, and Kristin Ferguson

It Seems Kinda Like a Different Language to Us: Homeless Youths' Attitudes and Experiences Pertaining to Condoms and Contraceptives, Stephanie Begun, Katie Massey Combs, Michaela Torrie, and Kimberly Bender

“I Know They Would Kill Me”: Abortion Attitudes and Experiences among Youth Experiencing Homelessness, Stephanie Begun, Katie Massey Combs, Kaitlin Schwan, Michaela Torrie, and Kimberly Bender

Homeless Youths’ Interests in Social Action via Photovoice., Kimberly Bender, Stephanie Begun, Kaite Dunn, Emily Mackay, and Jonah DeChants

My Own Best Friend: Homeless Youths’ Hesitance to Seek Help and Strategies for Coping Independently after Distressing and Traumatic Experiences., Kimberly Bender, Stephanie Begun, Rebecca Durbahn, Kristin Ferguson-Colvin, and Nick Schau

Coping Styles Associated with Victimization Profiles among Homeless Youth., Kimberly Bender, Samantha Marie Brown, Stephanie Begun, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, and Kristin Ferguson-Colvin

Predictors of Positive Development in First-year College Students, Sarah E. Brewer, Nicole Nicotera, Chrisopher Veeh, and Julie Anne Laser-Maira

Mindfulness Approaches for Youth Experiencing Homelessness, Samantha M. Brown and Kimberly Bender

A Pilot Randomized Trial of a Mindfulness-informed Intervention for Child Welfare-involved Families, Samantha M. Brown, Kimberly Bender, Jennifer L. Bellamy, Eric L. Garland, Julia Dmitrieva, and Jeffery M. Jenson

The Effects of Placement and School Stability on Academic Growth Trajectories of Students in Foster Care, Elysia V. Clemens, Kristin Klopfenstein, Trent L. Lalonde, and Matt Tis

Pregnancy Attitudes and Contraceptive use among Young Adults with Histories of Foster Care, Katie Massey Combs, Samantha M. Brown, Stephanie Begun, and Heather N. Taussig

Objective Coding of Content and Techniques in Workplace-based Supervision of an EBT in Public Mental Health, Shannon Dorsey, Suzanne E. U. Kerns, Leah Lucid, Michael D. Pullmann, Julie P. Harrison, Lucy Berliner, Kelly Thompson, and Esther Deblinger

Risk and Resilience Factors Associated with Formal and Informal Income Generation among Homeless Young Adults in Three U.S. Cities., Kristin M. Ferguson-Colvin, Kimberly Bender, and Sanna J. Thompson

Effectiveness of GonaCon as an Immunocontraceptive in Colony-housed Cats, Amy Fischer, Valerie AW Benka, Joyce R. Briggs, Marc-Antoine Driancourt, Joanne Maki, Darcy SO Mora, Kevin N. Morris, Kayla A. Myers, Linda Rhodes, Lindsey M. Vansandt, George Robert Weedon, Julie Wolf, and Julie K. Levy

How Sex Trading Identities Shape Experiences of Service Provision: Insights from Adult Women with Lived Experiences and Service Providers, Lara Gerassi, Vanessa Fabbre, Abby Howard, Tonya E. Edmond, and Andrea Nichols

Recent Social Work Practitioners' Understanding and Use of Evidence-based Practice and Empirically Supported Treatments, Melissa D. Grady, Traci Wike, Caren Putzu, Sara Field, Jacqueline Hill, Sarah E. Bledsoe, Jennifer Bellamy, and Michael Massey

An Examination of Restorative Interventions and Racial Equity in Out-of-school Suspensions., Anne Gregory, Francis L. Huang, Yolanda Anyon, Eldridge Greer, and Barbara Downing

Promoting Father Involvement in Early Home Visiting Services for Vulnerable Families: Findings from a Pilot Study of “Dads Matter.”, Neil B. Guterman, Jennifer Bellamy, and Aaron Banman

Predicting Movement of Homeless Young Adults: Artificial Neural Networks and Generalized Linear Models, Edward Helderop, Kristin Ferguson-Colvin, Tony H. Grubesic, and Kimberly Bender

But Everyone is Doing It (Sort of)! Perceived Sexual Risks in the Social Environment and the Impact on Homeless Youth Engagement in Concurrent Sexual Relationships, Hsun-Ta Hsu, Anthony Fulginiti, Eric Rice, Harmony Rhoades, Hailey Winetrobe, and Laura Danforth

Measurement Based Care in Child Welfare-involved Children and Youth: Reliability and Validity of the PSC-18, Jedediah H. Jacobson, Michael D. Pullmann, Elizabeth M. Parker, and Suzanne E. U. Kerns

Effects of an Afterschool Program on the Academic Outcomes of Children and Youth Residing in Public Housing Neighborhoods: A Quasi-experimental Study., Jeffrey M. Jenson, Christopher Veeh, Yolanda Anyon, Jason St. Mary, Molly Calhoun, Jacqueline Tejada, and Stephanie Lechuga-Peña

Integrating Alcohol and Other Drug Content in the Social Work Curriculum: Practices and Perceived Barriers, Ivy Krull, Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Maryann Amodeo, Taylor Hall, Daniel P. Alford, and Lena Lundgren

The Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Program for Social Work Faculty: A Model for Immersion Training, Lena Lundgren, Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Maryann Amodeo, Ivy Krull, and Daniel P. Alford

Advancing Alcohol and Other Drug Education among Social Work Faculty: An Evaluation of Social Work Faculty Immersion Training, Lena Lundgren, Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Maryann Amodeo, Ivy Krull, Taylor Hall, and Daniel P. Alford

Animal Cruelty among Children in Violent Households: Children’s Explanations of their Behavior, Shelby Elaine McDonald, Anna M. Cody, Laura J. Booth, Jennifer R. Peers, Claire O’Connor Luce, James Herbert Williams, and Frank R. Ascione

Tracing the Pathway from Mental Health Screening to Services for Children and Youth in Foster Care, Michael D. Pullmann, Jedediah Jacobson, Elizabeth Parker, Molly Cevasco, Jacqueline A. Uomoto, Barbara J. Putnam, Trishia Benshoof, and Suzanne Kerns

Teaching Social Work Students About Alcohol and Other Drug Use Disorders: From Faculty Learning to Pedagogical Innovation, Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Maryann Amodeo, KIMBERLY A. FULLER, CRISTINA MOGRO-WILSON, DAVID PUGH, ELAINE RINFRETTE, JANICE FURLONG, and Lena Lundgren

Introduction to the Special Issue: Educating Social Workers about Alcohol and Other Drug Use Disorders, Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Lena Lundgren, and Maryann Amodeo

Knowledge and Attitudes about Prep and Npep among a 7-city Sample of Homeless Young Adults, Diane Santa Maria, Charlene Flash, Sarah Narendorf, Stacy Drake, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Robin Petering, Jama Shelton, Hsun-Ta Hsu, and Kimberly Bender

Seven Action Steps to Unleash the Power of Prevention, Valerie B. Shapiro and Kimberly Bender

Homelessness and Housing Experiences among LGBTQ Young Adults in Seven U.S. Cities, Jama Shelton, Jonah DeChants, Kimberly Bender, Hsun-Ta Hsu, Diane Santa Maria, Robin Petering, Kristin Ferguson, Sarah Narendorf, and Anamika Barman-Adhikari

Context Matters: Health Disparities in Substance Use Disorders and Treatment, LINDA SPRAGUE MARTINEZ, ANGELA WANGARI WALTER, ANDREA ACEVEDO, LUZ MARILIS LÓPEZ, and Lena Lundgren

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Technical, Normative, and Political Dimensions of School Discipline, Kathryn E. Wiley, Yolanda Anyon, Jessica L. Yang, Malina E. Pauline, Alyssa Rosch, Giovanna Valladares, Barbara J. Downing, and Lisa Pisciotta

Father Involvement and Behavior Problems among Preadolescents at Risk of Maltreatment, Susan Yoon, Jennifer Bellamy, Wonhee Kim, and Dalhee Yoon

Submissions from 2017

An Exploration of the Relationships Between Student Racial Background and the School Sub-contexts of Office Discipline Referrals: A Critical Race Theory Analysis, Yolanda Anyon, Chalane Lechuga, Debora M. Ortega, Barbara Downing, Eldridge Greer, and John Simmons

Descriptive and Injunctive Network Norms Associated with Nonmedical use of Prescription Drugs Among Homeless Youth, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Alia Al Tayyib, Stephanie Begun, Elizabeth Bowen, and Eric Rice

Asking for Change: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Outcomes of a Manualized Photovoice Intervention with Youth Experiencing Homelessness, Kimberly Bender, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Jonah Dechants, Badiah Haffejee, Yolanda Anyon, Stephanie Begun, Andrea Portillo, and Kaite Dunn

Emerging Adult Homelessness in Geographic Perspective: A View from the Rust Belt., Elizabeth A. Bowen, Berg Miller, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Kyla Fallin, and Dale Zuchlewski

Feasibility, Acceptability, and Clinical Trends of a Mindfulness-informed Child Welfare Intervention: Implications for Trauma-informed Practice, Samantha Brown and Jennifer Bellamy

Mentoring Relationship Quality and Maltreated Children's Coping, Ashley A. Chesmore, Lindsey M. Weiler, and Heather N. Taussig

Maltreated Children in Out-of-Home Care: The Relation Between Attachment Quality and Internalizing Symptoms, Ashley A. Chesmore, Lindsey M. Weiler, Lisa J. Trump, Ashley L. Landers, and Heather N. Taussig

A Template Analysis of Intimate Partner Violence Survivors’ Experiences of Animal Maltreatment: Implications for Safety Planning and Intervention, Elizabeth A. Collins, Anna M. Cody, Shelby Elaine McDonald, Nicole Nicotera, Frank R. Ascione, and James Herbert Williams

The Juggling Act of Supervision in Community Mental Health: Implications for Supporting Evidence-Based Treatment, Shannon Dorsey, Michael D. Pullmann, Suzanne E. U. Kerns, Nathaniel Jungbluth, Rosemary Meza, Kelly Thompson, and Lucy Berliner