Faculty Scholarship from the University of Denver's Graduate School of Social Work | Graduate School of Social Work | University of Denver
Scholarship created by the faculty of the University of Denver's Graduate School of Social Work. A social work program informed and drive by social justice.


Submissions from 2017

Community Informant Explanations for Unusual Neighborhood Rates of Child Maltreatment Reports, Megan Finno-Velasquez, Amy S. He, Judith L. Perrigo, and Michael S. Hurlburt

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health-Risk Behaviors in Vulnerable Early Adolescents, Edward F. Garrido, Lindsey M. Weiler, and Heather N. Taussig

Do Sleep Problems Mediate the Link Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Delinquency in Preadolescent Children in Foster Care?, Erin P. Hambrick, Sonia L. Rubens, Thomas W. Brawner, and Heather N. Taussig

Social Networks and Sexual Risk Factor Differences between Cisgender Heterosexual and Cisgender LGBQ Homeless Youths., Shanna K. Kattari, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Jonah P. DeChants, and Eric Rice

Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Homeless Young Adults: The Importance of Victimization Experiences in Childhood and Once Homeless., Yeonwoo Kim, Kimberly Bender, Kristin M. Ferguson, Stephanie Begun, and Diana M. DiNitto

Internalizing and Externalizing Behavioral Problems of American Indian Children in the Child Welfare System., Ashley L. Landers, Jennifer Bellamy, Sharon M. Danes, and Sandy White Hawk

A Deeper Look at Burnout in the Child Welfare Workforce, Robin Leake, Shauna Rienks, and Ann Obermann

Agreement and Discrepancy Between Supervisor and Clinician Alliance: Associations with Clinicians’ Perceptions of Psychological Climate and Emotional Exhaustion, Jill Locke, Stephanie Violante, Michael D. Pullmann, Suzanne Kerns, Nathaniel Jungbluth, and Shannon Dorsey

Concomitant Exposure to Animal Maltreatment and Socioemotional Adjustment among Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: A Mixed Methods Study, Shelby Elaine McDonald, Anna M. Cody, Elizabeth A. Collins, Hilary T. Stim, Nicole Nicotera, Frank R. Ascione, and James Herbert Williams

Intimate Partner Violence Survivors’ Reports of Their Children’s Exposure to Companion Animal Maltreatment: A Qualitative Study, Shelby Elaine McDonald, Elizabeth A. Collins, Anna Maternick, Nicole Nicotera, Sandra Graham-Bermann, Frank R. Ascione, and James Herbert Williams

The Role of Callous/unemotional Traits in Mediating the Association Between Animal Abuse Exposure and Behavior Problems among Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence, Shelby Elaine McDonald, Julia Dmitrieva, Sunny Shin, Stephanie A. Hitti, Sandra A. Graham-Bermann, Frank R. Ascione, and James Herbert Williams

Evaluation of the Parent-report Inventory of Callous-unemotional Traits in a Sample of Children Recruited from Intimate Partner Violence Services: A Multidimensional Rasch Analysis, Shelby Elaine McDonald, Lin Ma, Kathy E. Green, Stephanie A. Hitti, Anna M. Cody, Courtney Donovan, James Herbert Williams, and Frank R. Ascione

Population-level Network Structure over Time and Marijuana Use among Homeless Youth, Eric Rice, Amanda Yoshioka-Maxwell, Harmony Rhoades, Hailey Winetrobe, Robin Petering, and Anamika Barman-Adhikari

Complex Health Concerns among Child Welfare Populations and the Benefit of Pediatric Medical Homes, Shauna Rienks, Jon Phillips, Julie McCrae, Kimberly Bender, and Samantha Brown

Youth Investigating and Supporting Strong Connections to Adults: A Youth Participatory Action Research Curriculum for Middle School Youth., Jenn Turner, Shad Roundy, Sam Mikos, Danielle Jones, Mackenzie Brock, Schye Bell, Alison Adsit, Alix Jones, Hanna Cook, Katie Barnes, Hope Anderson, Heather Kennedy, Kimberly Bender, and Yolanda Anyon

Mentor Response to Youth Academic Support–seeking Behavior, Lindsey M. Weiler, Ashley A. Chesmore, Julia Pryce, Shelley A. Haddock, and Tara Rhodes

The Moderating Effect of Risk Exposure on an Efficacious Intervention for Maltreated Children, Lindsey M. Weiler and Heather N. Taussig

Submissions from 2016

Black Girls and School Discipline: The Complexities of Being Overrepresented and Understudied, Subini Ancy Annamma, Yolanda Anyon, Nicole M. Joseph, Jordan Farrar, Eldridge Greer, Barbara Downing, and John Simmons

Restorative Interventions and School Discipline Sanctions in a Large Urban School District., Yolanda Anyon, Anne Gregory, Susan Stone, Jordan Farrar, Jeffrey M. Jenson, Jeanette McQueen, Barbara Downing, Eldridge Greer, and John Simmons

Contextual Influences on the Implementation of a Schoolwide Intervention to Promote Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning, Yolanda Anyon; Nicole Nicotera; and Christopher A. Veeh,

Spotlight on Success: Changing the Culture of Discipline in Denver Public Schools, Yolanda Anyon, Kathryn Wiley, Jessica Yang, Malina Pauline, Jordan Grapentine, Giovana Valladares, and Lisa Pisciotta

Race, Exclusionary Discipline, and Connectedness to Adults in Secondary Schools, Yolanda Anyon, Duan Zhang, and Cynthia Hazel

Sociometric Network Structure and its Association with Methamphetamine use Norms Among Homeless Youth, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Stephanie Begun, Eric Rice, Amanda Yoshioka-Maxwell, and Andrea Perez-Portillo

A Social Capital Approach to Identifying Correlates of Perceived Social Support among Homeless Youth, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Elizabeth Bowen, Kimberly Bender, Samantha Brown, and Eric Rice

Condomless Sex Among Homeless Youth: The Role of Multidimensional Social Norms and Gender, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Hsun-Ta Hsu, Stephanie Begun, Andrea Perez Portillo, and Eric Rice

Social Context of Service Use Among Homeless Youth in Los Angeles, California., Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Robin Petering, Rebecca Lengnick-Hall, Eric Rice, Harmony Rhoades, and Sarah McCune

Social Networking Technology Use and Engagement in HIV-related Risk and Protective Behaviors Among Homeless Youth, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Eric Rice, Kimberly Bender, Rebecca Lengnick-Hall, Amanda Yoshioka-Maxwell, and Harmony Rhoades

Coping Styles Associated with Victimization Profiles among Homeless Youth, Kimberly Bender, Samantha Marie Brown, Stephanie Begun, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, and Kristin Ferguson

Coping Styles Associated with Victimization Profiles among Homeless Youth, Kimberly Bender, Samantha M. Brown, Stephanie Begun, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, and Kristin M. Ferguson

Enhancing Risk Detection among Homeless Youth: A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Promising Pilot Intervention., Kimberly Bender, Anne DePrince, Stephanie Begun, Jessica Hathaway, Badiah Haffejee, and Nicholas Schau

Perspectives of LGBTQ Older Adults on Aging in Place: A Qualitative Investigation, Jennifer M. Boggs, Jennifer Dickman Portz, Diane K. King, Leslie A. Wright, Kenneth Helander, Jessica H. Retrum, and Wendolyn S. Gozansky

Prevalence and Covariates of Food Insecurity Among Residents of Single-room Occupancy Housing in Chicago, IL, USA, Elizabeth A. Bowen, Sarah K. Bowen, and Anamika Barman-Adhikari

Relationship Satisfaction and Communication Among Urban Minority HIV-positive and HIV-negative Mothers: The Influence on Daughter's Alcohol Use., Julie A. Cederbaum, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Erick G. Guerrero, and M. Katherine Hutchinson

Evidence Base Update for Psychosocial Treatments for Children and Adolescents Exposed to Traumatic Events, Shannon Dorsey, Katie A. McLaughlin, Suzanne E. U. Kerns, Julie P. Harrison, Hilary K. Lambert, Ernestine C. Briggs, Julia Revillion Cox, and Lisa Amaya-Jackson

Predicting Geographic Transience in Homeless Young Adults across Three U.S. Cities: Who are these Frequent Flyers and Distance Travelers?, Kristin M. Ferguson-Colvin, Edward Helderop, Kimberly Bender, and Tony H. Grubesic

Predicting Illegal Income Generation among Homeless Male and Female Young Adults: Understanding Strains and Responses to Strains, Kristin M. Ferguson, Kimberly Bender, and Sanna J. Thompson


Thought Suppression as a Mediator of the Association Between Depressed Mood and Prescription Opioid Craving Among Chronic Pain Patients, Eric L. Garland, Samantha M. Brown, and Matthew O. Howard

Exploring Empathy and Callous–unemotional Traits as Predictors of Animal Abuse Perpetrated by Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence, Christie Hartman, Tina Hageman, James Herbert Williams, Jason St. Mary, and Frank R. Ascione

Children’s Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and their Social, School, and Activities Competence: Latent Profiles and Correlates, Shelby Elaine McDonald, Rosalie Corona, Anna Maternick, Frank R. Ascione, James Herbert Williams, and Sandra A. Graham-Bermann

Patterns of Adjustment among Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: A Person-Centered Approach, Shelby Elaine McDonald, Sandra A. Graham-Bermann, Anna Maternick, Frank R. Ascione, and James Herbert Williams

Focusing on Men and Fathers: A Challenge for Social Work Research and Practice., Kevin Shafer and Jennifer Bellamy

Pregnancy and Parenting among Runaway and Homeless Young Women, Sanna J. Thompson, Stephanie Begun, and Kimberly Bender

Perceptions of Resiliency and Coping: Homeless Young Adults Speak Out, Sanna J. Thompson, Tiffany N. Ryan, Katherine L. Montgomery, Angie Del Prado Lippman, Kimberly Bender, and Kristin Ferguson

The Effect of Bullying and Victimization on Cognitive Empathy Development During the Transition to Middle School., Anne Williford, Aaron J. Boulton, Shandra S. Forrest-Bank, Kimberly Bender, William A. Dieterich, and Jeffery M. Jenson

Race and Risk Behaviors: The Mediating Role of School Bonding., Jessica Yang and Yolanda Anyon

Submissions from 2015

Social Network Correlates of Methamphetamine, Heroin, and Cocaine Use in a Sociometric Network of Homeless Youth, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Eric Rice, Hailey Wintrobe, and Robin Petering

Effect of Low-income Unmarried Fathers' Presence at Birth on Involvement, Jennifer Bellamy, Matthew Thullen, and Sydney Hans

Mindfulness Intervention with Homeless Youth., Kimberly Bender, Stephanie Begun, Anne DePrince, Badiah Haffejee, Samantha M. Brown, Jessica Hathaway, and Nicholas Schau

Multiple Victimizations before and after Leaving Home Associated with PTSD, Depression, and Substance Use Disorder among Homeless Youth., Kimberly Bender, Samantha Marie Brown, Sanna J. Thompson, Kristin M. Ferguson, and Lisa Langenderfer

Electronic Case Management with Homeless Youth, Kimberly Bender, Nicholas Schau, Stephanie Begun, Badiah Haffejee, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, and Jessica Hathaway

Risk Detection and Self-protection among Homeless Youth, Kimberly Bender, Sanna Thompson, Kristin Ferguson, Jamie Yoder, and Anne DePrince

Experiences and Needs of Homeless Youth with a History of Foster Care, Kimberly Bender, Jessica Yang, Kristin Ferguson, and Sanna J. Thompson

An Exploratory Factor Analysis of Coping Styles and Relationship to Depression among a Sample of Homeless Youth., Samantha M. Brown, Stephanie Begun, Kimberly Bender, Kristin Ferguson-Colvin, and Sanna J. Thompson

Maternal HIV, Substance Use Role Modeling, and Adolescent Girls' Alcohol Use, Julie A. Cederbaum, Erick G. Guerrero, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, and Carol A. Vincent

Gender, Coping Strategies, Homelessness Stressors, and Income Generation among Homeless Young Adults in Three Cities, Kristin M. Ferguson, Kimberly Bender, and Sanna J. Thompson

Perceptions of Participation in Trauma Research among Older Adults., Kerry L. Gagnon, Anne P. DePrince, Tejaswinhi Srinivas, and Leslie K. Hasche

Intimate Partner Violence and Animal Abuse in an Immigrant-rich Sample of Mother–Child Dyads Recruited From Domestic Violence Programs, Christie A. Hartman, Tina Hageman, James Herbert Williams, and Frank R. Ascione

As Needed Case Management Across Aging Services in Response to Depression, Leslie K. Hasche and Angela Lavery

Network Influences on the Sexual Risk Behaviors of Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who have Sex with Men Using Geosocial Networking Applications, Ian W. Holloway, Craig A. Pulsipher, Jeremy Gibbs, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, and Eric Rice

Exploring the Role of Ethnic Identity in Family Functioning among Low-income Parents, Eliana Hurwich-Reiss, Shauna L. Rienks, Hannah Bianco, Martha E. Wadsworth, and Howard J. Markman

Using Child Welfare Assessments and Latent Class Analysis to Identify Prevalence and Comorbidity of Parent Service Needs, Elizabeth Jarpe-Ratner, Jennifer Bellamy, Duck-Hye Yang, and Cheryl Smithgall

Wait until your Father gets Home? Mother's and Fathers’ Spanking and Development of Child Aggression, Shawna J. Lee, Inna Altschul, and Elizabeth T. Gershoff

Homelessness and Sexual Identity Among Middle School Students., Eric Rice, Robin Petering, Harmony Rhoades, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Hailey Winetrobe, Aaron Plant, Jorge Montoya, and Timothy Kordic

Homeless Emerging Adults: A Developmental Perspective, Sanna Thompson, Kristin Ferguson, Kimberly Bender, Stephanie Begun, and Yeonwoo Kim

Factors Associated with Substance Use Disorders among Traumatized Homeless Youth., Sanna J. Thompson, Kimberly Bender, Kristin Ferguson-Colvin, and Yeonwoo Kim

Predictors of Multiple Arrests among Homeless Young Adults: Gender Differences., Karin Wachter, Sanna J. Thompson, Kimberly Bender, and Kristin M. Ferguson

Submissions from 2013

Increasing MSW Students’ Information Competencies Through Online Tutorials, Application Exercises, and Course Assignments, John A. Kayser, Jennifer Bowers, Lin Jiang, and Marian Bussey