"Agreement and Discrepancy Between Supervisor and Clinician Alliance: A" by Jill Locke, Stephanie Violante et al.

Agreement and Discrepancy Between Supervisor and Clinician Alliance: Associations with Clinicians’ Perceptions of Psychological Climate and Emotional Exhaustion

Publication Date


Document Type


Organizational Units

Graduate School of Social Work


Supervision, Clinicians, Evidence-based treatment (EBT), Agreement and discrepancy


Despite increasing interest in supervision as a leverage point for bolstering public mental health services, the potential influence of supervisory alliance on organizations and direct service providers remains understudied, particularly in the context of supporting evidence-based treatment (EBT) use. This study examined agreement and discrepancy between supervisor and clinician ratings of alliance associated with clinicians’ perceptions of psychological climate and emotional exhaustion. Results indicated that discrepancies in alliance ratings were common and associated with clinicians’ perceptions of psychological climate. These findings have important implications for collaboration among supervisors and clinicians within a community mental health organizational context and the provision of EBTs.

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