"Predictors of Multiple Arrests among Homeless Young Adults: Gender Dif" by Karin Wachter, Sanna J. Thompson et al.

Predictors of Multiple Arrests among Homeless Young Adults: Gender Differences.

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Organizational Units

Graduate School of Social Work


Homeless young adults, General strain theory, Arrest, Gender


Criminological research on homeless young adults has shown that males are more often arrested for violent offenses, while females engage more frequently in self-destructive behaviors. General strain theory (GST) provides a useful theoretical framework for understanding criminal behaviors and arrest history among homeless young adults. This study examined strains and responses to strains that significantly predict the likelihood of multiple arrests and investigated how predictors of multiple arrests vary by gender. Findings indicate that predictors for multiple arrests do indeed vary by gender, with exposure to the drug culture of the streets being an important variable for males, while being robbed with a weapon and drug distribution are significant predictors for females. Resilience showed an inverse relationship with multiple arrests, as did sexual assault for females. Study findings and implications for service provision are discussed.

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