"Measuring the Impact of Public Perceptions on Child Welfare Workers" by Catherine K. Lawrence, Wendy Zeitlin et al.

Measuring the Impact of Public Perceptions on Child Welfare Workers

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Organizational Units

Graduate School of Social Work, Butler Institute for Families


Scale validation, Recruitment and retention, Public perceptions, Private and pubic workforce, Environmental factors


The Public Perceptions of Child Welfare Scale measures how the social environment influences child welfare workers, including their job satisfaction and intent to leave. Psychometric studies have validated the scale for private child welfare workers, but there are no validation studies with public agency staff. This study fills that gap, showing stigma and respect are important constructs that also predict worker intent to leave. This research found an additional construct, blame, which was not present in private worker validation studies. The scale provides an important tool for the field as we continue to build evidence for effective recruitment and retention.

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