Law, Enlightenment, and Other States of Mind

Publication Date


Document Type


Organizational Units

Sturm College of Law


Change, Workplace, Life, Humor, Enlightenment, Transformation, Empathy, insight, Psychology, Neuroscience, Entrepreneurship, Shared life experience


This is a collection of the author's blog posts for the Colorado Bar Association. It is "for anyone, lawyer or not, who wants to create or at least embrace change in their workplaces and personal lives. And not just change, but transformation." Written with humor, empathy, insight, and perspective not just from the law, but also psychology, neuroscience, entrepreneurship, and shared life experience.

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

All Rights Reserved
All Rights Reserved.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by Kevin Rhodes. User is responsible for all copyright compliance. This foreword was originally published as Austin, Debra, Foreword to KEVIN RHODES, LAW, ENLIGHTENMENT, AND OTHER STATES OF MIND xi, xi–xii (Susan Hoyt, ed., 2d ed. 2017).

Rights Holder

Rhodes, Kevin


English (eng)


300 pgs

File Size

2996 KB
