Positive Institutions: Organizations, Laws, and Policies

Publication Date


Document Type

Book Chapter

Organizational Units

Sturm College of Law


Human flourishing, Positive psychology, Law firm cultures, Well-being, Positive institutions, Positive law firms, Positive law schools, Social architecture, Policy subjective well-being measures, Mindfulness, Thinking architecture, Learning architecture, Thinking games


We analyze how institutions in the form of organizations, laws, and policies can help foster human flourishing, and provide examples of the role that institutions can play by changing individual preferences and values. First, we analyze how to apply positive psychology to redesign law firm cultures to enable attorneys, clients, and communities to thrive. Second, we investigate how to empower law students, law professors, and other law school constituencies. Third, we demonstrate how to apply positive psychology to foster innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. Fourth, we identify some complexities of utilizing subjective well-being measures to evaluate the impacts of laws and policies. Finally, we develop implications from positive psychology about what governments and others can do to support individuals, communities, and societies to thrive. Our goal is to provoke discussion about positive psychology’s role in developing institutions in the form of organizations, laws, and policies that help individuals, communities, and societies.

Publication Statement

Copyright is held by Oxford University Press. User is responsible for all copyright compliance. This book chapter was originally published as Positive Institutions: Organizations, Laws, and Policies, by Peter H. Huang, Anne M. Brafford, Debra S. Austin, and Martha Knudson, in The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology, 3rd Edition, Edited by C.R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez, Lisa M. Edwards, and Susana C. Marques. Jan, 2018.

Rights Holder

Oxford University Press


English (eng)


20 pgs

Publication Title

The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology

First Page


Last Page

