"Administrative Law: A Casebook" by Bernard Schwartz and Roberto L. Corrada

Administrative Law: A Casebook

Publication Date


Document Type


Organizational Units

Sturm College of Law


Administrative law, Administrative Procedure Act (APA), Chevron deference, Rulemaking, Agencies, Exective Branch, Separation of powers, Executive Order


This edition is an update, and not a comprehensive re-writing or reorganization of the book. The great majority of cases from the last edition remain as they were. Some new cases have been added where necessary either because the older case has become dated or because a new case explores ideas not found in cases preceding the last update. There are two changes that might be considered major. The first of these is an added focus. Since the last edition, our world has become substantially affected by the internet revolution. I believe this revolution will have a significant impact on government and administrative law. I have added a new section on the Electronic Freedom of Information Act, as well as some material on the internet's effect on rulemaking. In future editions, new materials about the internet and administrative law will be added as they become available. Whereas Professor Schwartz opted to create separate notes for separate citations, I have tried to consolidate the notes around ideas and thoughts. And so, rather than ten notes after a case, now there may be only four. Please note I have change very little of the note content, but simply have endeavored to make the reading of the notes a bit more efficient.

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Aspen Publishers, Inc.


English (eng)

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This book was originally published as Bernard Schwartz et al., Administrative Law: A Casebook (5th ed. 2001).

This document is currently not available here.
