It was in about 1828–29 that Parisian guitarist and publisher Charles de Marescot brought before the public a short collection of his easier solo guitar pieces entitled La Guitaromanie. It was enhanced with six unpaginated satirical lithographs, of which the most memorable one (“Discussion entre les Carulistes et les Molinistes”) appears on this issue’s cover. Readers are welcome to review the publication details, found in the accompanying article by Damián Martín. See his text between footnotes 16 and 17. A complete digital copy of the Guitaromanie collection, represented as being in the public domain, was posted during the preparation of this issue at the Petrucci Music Library at: https://imslp.org/wiki/La_Guitaromanie_(Marescot%2C_Charles_de).
—Thomas Heck
Recommended Citation
2018. "Soundboard Scholar no. 4: Cover." Soundboard Scholar 4, (1). https://digitalcommons.du.edu/sbs/vol4/iss1/14