"The Catalan Guitar, Part 1" by Richard M. Long


Richard M. Long


Fernando Sor, biography, archival research


A review of four new biographical studies of Fernando Sor:

  • Brian Jeffery, Fernando Sor: Composer and Guitarist, 3rd edition (N.p.: Tecla, 2020), PDF or ePub
  • Josep María Mangado Artigas, Fernando Sor (1778–1839), vol. 1, Aportaciones biográficas (Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona: Self-published, Tecla, 2020), PDF
  • Josep María Mangado Artigas, Fernando Sor (1778–1839), vol. 2, Documentos inéditos: Reflexiones e hypótesis (Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona: Self-published, Tecla, 2018), PDF
  • Josep María Mangado Artigas, Fernando Sor (1778–1839), vol. 3, La actividad guitarrística en París (1825–1839) (Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona: Self-published, Tecla, 2010), PDF


In Soundboard Scholar, no. 8, a letter from Brian Jeffery, "Thank You, Richard — and Yes, She Did!," adds new information about Sor's pupil Natalie Houzé, who is mentioned in this review.

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Musicology Commons



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