Igniting Resilience Through Values

Date of Award


Document Type

Masters Capstone Project

Degree Name

M.S. in Organizational Leadership

Organizational Unit

University College, Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Holly King

Second Advisor

Molly Smith


Management, Organizational culture, Systemic change, Sustained change


The standard change management playbooks often overlook the profound impact of systemic change on human behavior, offering systematic approaches that may not foster sustained change adoption. In the face of rapid change, organizations must acknowledge the complex interdependencies that can impede change efforts. This project aims to enhance collective resilience capability by delving into the pivotal role of organizational and individual values. Identifying three key findings that illuminate the relationship between culture and value alignment that either impede or improve an organization's ability to adapt to both planned and unplanned changes. While culture is often understood as a key element in fostering organizational resilience, this provides valuable insight into the power of values integration that can raise collective resilience.

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Copyright is held by the author. Permanently suppressed.

Rights Holder

Amanda Walker


Received from author


English (eng)

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