University College: Organizational Leadership Capstones | University College | University of Denver


Capstone Projects from 2011

Innovating the Innovation Matrix, Marianne Carr

The Underutilization of Succession Plans, Phillip Chance

Recommendations for Developing Middle Management's Talent Acquisition, Retention and Leadership Competencies, Jeff Chang

Increasing Operational Efficiency Via Global Positioning Systems, Brittney Clark

Successfully Marketing a Leadership Development Program, Thomas Crouser

Leadership Development in the Salvation Army, Kathleen Cummings

On Ethical Leadership: A Case for Secular Ethics, Stephanie Eliopoulos

DIGOTO: A Model for Entrepreneurial Revolution, Brett Feddersen

Wolf Creek, Utah: A Resort Lost in Eden—How a Resort with Immense Potential Can Fall from Grace, Caroline Fullmer

The Next Generation Healthcare Leader: A Study of Leadership Competency Models for the Future of the Healthcare Industry, Tracie Grant

The Role of Mission and Vision Statements in Organizational Recovery: Setting the Tone for Future Success, Aaron Jacks

Reinventing an Organization, Leading Organizational Change Through Employee Engagement and Effective Communication, Andrea Lesser

The Automotive Aftermarket: The Digital Age Is Changing the Business Model, Michael Marsolek

Altruism and Philanthropy: The Impulse to Do Good, Tracy Lee McReynolds

A Virtual Workforce for the 21st Century, Linda J. Mitchell

Understanding and Overcoming the Challenges of Remote Leadership, Samuel O'Daniel

Denver Public Charter Schools: Applying Corporate Strategy to Innovative Education, Eli Oderberg

It's Not About You, It's About Us: Leadership Strategies for Countering Societal Narcissism in the Workplace, Michael Sanders

Building Better School, Together: Applying Change Management to Performance Pay Systems, Jessica Sharp

Sustaining Productivity Post 2007–2009 Recession: An Examination of the Role of Technology, Knowledge, and Human Capital, Eileen Sparhawk

Ethical Failures in Leadership: Preparing Future Business Leaders in Ethics and Corporate Citizenship, Peggy Stover

Create Your Own Culture: A Guide for Working with Multicultural Project Teams, Tara Witterholt

Capstone Projects from 2010

Leadership at High Performing Nonprofit Organizations, Jamilyn Alleman

A New Business Concept for the Specialty Coffee Retail Industry: The Development of a Strategic Business Plan for Asher Coffee, Austin Asher

Healthcare Marketing: The Development of a Strategic Marketing Plan for a Physician Staffing Company, Jacob Asher

Interpersonal Skills Training with Firefighters: Frequency, Methods, and Perceived Benefits, Virginia Bailey

Blank, Lauren Beam

Konzentrationslager and Liberation: The Business of Existence, Jill Coughlin

Whole System Shared Governance: Implementation in an Acute Care Hospital Setting, Kathleen Eden

Trust in Organizations: An Inartistic Proof and Artistic Proof Study, Robert Farmer

Establishing a Performance Management System at a Financial Institution, Pauline Goldsworthy

Generations in the Workplace: Does It Affect Employee Retention?, Lisa Hale

Leadership in a Disaster: Survival, Smoke Monsters, and How Leaders Can Use Lost, Terri Johnson

The Need for Proper Management in the Knowledge Organization, Loren Kielly

Business Lessons in Transformational Leadership and Self-Guided Teams: Applied to Coaching Soccer, David Korn

Understanding and Managing Four Generations in Today's Workplace with Emphasis on the Coming of Age of the Millennial Generation, Shannon Mayes

Leadership Plan for the High Trails Outdoor Education Center High School Program, Ashley McGowan

Leadership Through Organizational Transformation, Kevin McIntyre

The Business Impact of Workplace Bullying, LeAnn Monteiro

Online Triathlon Sporting Goods Retail Business Plan, Gary Netherland

The Role of Mentoring in Great Leadership, Scott Rohrig

Generational Diversity in the Workplace: Effective Management of Multiple Generations, Laura Shannon

Efficient Healthcare Management Systems for Workers' Compensation, Lori Socha

Don't Stop the Presses! Newspapers Who Pursue Alternative Revenue Streams Will Survive, Saralee Squires

Identify Leadership Strategies for Successful Mergers and Acquisitions, Charles Taylor

Understanding the Barriers to Employee Engagement in a Hospital Emergency Department, Melanie Waller

Impact of Risk Management in Local Government: An Examination of the Effectiveness of Risk Management in Minimizing Governmental Cost and Liability, Dawn Wilson

Development of a Marketing Plan for Beard Papa, Pattarin Wongwantanee