Using Value Self-Confrontation with Small Business Leaders to Facilitate Change for Inclusion

Date of Award


Document Type

Masters Capstone Project

Degree Name

M.S. in Organizational Leadership

Organizational Unit

University College, Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Edgar Perez


Small business, Leadership, Organizational behavior, Professional development


Multiple resources exist to educate small business leaders on the importance of developing leadership that energizes teams to work together toward a common goal, though research lacks depth in how to facilitate behavior change amidst relationship conflict in the workplace while encouraging collaboration toward a common goal. Small business leaders often face challenges with employee engagement and retention, which impact business performance (Cohen 2023), and can be addressed through engagement in professional development mechanisms such as a workshop (Shiri et al. 2023). Guided by scientific research in the formation of value and belief systems, socialization, diversity and inclusion, self-awareness, and conflict management, this workshop utilizes principles of the Experiential Learning Model and Value Self-Confrontation which creates the backdrop to facilitate behavior change in leaders working to create more inclusive workplaces that drive higher employee engagement.

This project presents several components to consider in the development of small business leaders. First there are substantial sections in literature review and rationale to the design of a leadership development workshop that underscores the value in and approaches to develop inclusive spaces utilizing Value Self-Confrontation, self-awareness, conflict management, facilitating a balance of advocacy and inquiry, and facilitation of the Experiential Learning Model. This presents the context for the second part of this project, which is a fully designed leadership development workshop based on the literature previously described. As a part of an ongoing effort, this may also lead to more profitable and socially impactful businesses.

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Rights Holder

Gabriella Dimotsantos


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English (eng)

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