Submissions from 2004
On-Road Motor Vehicle Emissions from Around the World, Donald H. Stedman and Gary A. Bishop
On-Road Emissions in Asia Measured by Remote Sensing, Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, Niranjan Vescio, Nitin Manawat, and Peter McClintock
Submissions from 2003
FEAT Monochromater User's Guide, Gary A. Bishop
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Phoenix Area: Year 4, November 2002, Gary A. Bishop, Daniel A. Burgard, Mitchell J. Williams, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area: Year 5, September 2002, Gary A. Bishop, Mitchell J. Williams, Daniel A. Burgard, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Denver Area: Year 4, January 2003, Daniel A. Burgard, Gary A. Bishop, Mitchell J. Williams, and Donald H. Stedman
Emissions Reductions as a Result of Automobile Improvement, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
FEAT Standard Operating Procedures, Donald H. Stedman and Gary A. Bishop
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the LaBrea Area: Year 2, Mitchell J. Williams, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
A Five-Channel, Single Detector, Emission Rmote Sensor (Presentation), Mitchell J. Williams, Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, and Richard W. Quine
Submissions from 2002
An On-road Motor Vehicle Emissions Inventory for Denver: An Efficient Alternative to Modeling, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Denver Area: Year 3, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Los Angeles Area: Year 3 (Riverside), Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Phoenix Area: Year 3, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-road Emissions of Motor Vehicles in Brazil: Current Status and Future Possibilities {presentation}, Donald H. Stedman
Remote Sensing: A New Tool For Automobile Inspection & Maintenance, Donald H. Stedman
Opacity Enhancement of the On-Road Remote Sensor for HC, CO and NO, Donald H. Stedman and Gary A. Bishop
Submissions from 2001
Snowmobile Contributions to Mobile Source Emissions in Yellowstone National Park, Gary A. Bishop, Morris A. Jerome, and Donald H. Stedman
The Effects of Altitude on Heavy-duty Diesel Truck On-road Emissions, Gary A. Bishop, Jerome A. Morris, Donald H. Stedman, Lewis H. Cohen, Richard J. Countess, and Susan J. Countess
Fuel-Based On-Road Motor Vehicle Emissions Inventory for the Denver Metropolitan Area, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
Fuel-Based On-Road Motor Vehicle Emissions Inventory for the Denver Metropolitan Area (Presentation), Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Motor Vehicle Emissions Measurments Worldwide (Presentation), Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area: Year 4, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Denver Area: Year 2, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Los Angeles Area: Year 2, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Phoenix Area: Year 2, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
Preliminary Studies Using Remote Sensing to Evaluate I/M Effectiveness, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
Interpreting Remote Sensing NOx Measurements: at Low Load Near Chicago 1997 - 1999, and at High and Low Load Sites on the Same Ramp in Phoenix, 1999, Robert Slott, Donald H. Stedman, and Sajal S. Pokharel
Interpreting Remote Sensing NOx Measurements (Presentation), Robert Slott, Donald H. Stedman, and Sajal S. Pokharel
How to Evaluate an On-Road Remote Sensor, Donald H. Stedman
Motorcycle Emissions System (Presentation), Donald H. Stedman
Submissions from 2000
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Los Angeles Area: Year 1, Gary A. Bishop, Sajal S. Pokharel, and Donald H. Stedman
Drive-by Motor Vehicle Emissions: Immediate Feedback in Reducing Air Pollution, Gary A. Bishop, Donald H. Stedman, R. Bruce Hutton, Lenora Bohren, and Neil Lacey
Motor Vehicle Fleet Emissions by OP-FTIR, Kimberly S. Bradley, Kevin B. Brooks, Laura K. Hubbard, Peter J. Popp, and Donald H. Stedman
Surrounding Denver Metro Smart Sign Study Summer 2000, Michael Duncan
The SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge 2000 - Summary and Results, Lori M. Fussel, Gary A. Bishop, and John Daily
Analysis of Remote Sensing Data for Development of I/M Program Evaluation Protocols, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area: Year 3, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
RSD Versus IM240 Fleet Average Correlations, Sajal S. Pokharel, Donald H. Stedman, and Gary A. Bishop
New Emission Test Would Cost More, Do Less, Donald H. Stedman
Submissions from 1999
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Phoenix Area: Year 1, Gary A. Bishop, Sajal S. Pokharel, and Donald H. Stedman
An In-use Snowmobile Emission Survey in Yellowstone National Park, Gary A. Bishop, Donald H. Stedman, Mary Hektner, and John D. Ray
Analyses of Vehicle Exhaust Emission Bag Samples for Nitrous Oxide, Kimberly S. Bradley, Jerome A. Morris, Peter J. Popp, and Donald H. Stedman
A Global Inventory of Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Motor Vehicles, Kimberly S. Bradley, Donald H. Stedman, and Gary A. Bishop
Real-time Remote Sensing of Snowmobiles Emissions at Yellowstone National Park: An Oxygenated Fuel Study, 1999, Jerome A. Morris, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
RSD Studies in Austin, 1998, Sajal S. Pokharel, Donald H. Stedman, and Gary A. Bishop
Development of a High-speed Ultraviolet Spectrometer for Remote Sensing of Mobile Source Nitric Oxide Emissions, Peter J. Popp, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
Method for Commercial Aircraft Nitric Oxide Emission Measurements, Peter J. Popp, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area: Year 2, Peter J. Popp, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
Remote Sensing of Railroad Locomotive Emissions: A Feasibility Study, Peter J. Popp, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Denver Area: Year 1, Peter J. Popp, Sajal S. Pokharel, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
Identification of Polluting Vehicles by Remote Sensing, Donald H. Stedman
Submissions from 1998
1998 Preliminary Snowmobile Emission Survey in Yellowstone National Park, Gary A. Bishop and Donald H. Stedman
Automobile Emissions On-road, Gary A. Bishop and Donald H. Stedman
Final Technical Report for ITS for Voluntary Emission Reduction: An ITS Operational Test for Real-Time Vehicle Emissions Detection, Gary A. Bishop, Donald H. Stedman, and R. Bruce Hutton
On-Road Remote Sensing of Heavy-duty Diesel Truck Emissions in the Austin- San Marcos Area: August 1998, Jerome A. Morris, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions in the Chicago Area: Year 1, Peter J. Popp, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
Remote Sensing of Commercial Aircraft Emissions, Peter J. Popp and Donald H. Stedman
Repair Avoidance and Evaluating Inspection and Maintenance Programs, Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, and Robert Slott
Submissions from 1997
On-Road Remote Sensing of Vehicle Emissions in Mexico, Gary A. Bishop, Donald H. Stedman, Julian De La Garza Castro, and Francisco J. Davlos
Development of a High-speed Ultraviolet Spectrometer, Capable of Real-time NO and Aromatic Hydrocarbon Detection in Vehicle Exhaust (Presentation), Peter J. Popp, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
Letter to the Editor re Influence of Ethanol-blended Fuels on the Emissions from Three Pre-1985 Light-duty Passenger Vehicles, Donald H. Stedman
On-road CO, HC, NO and Opacity Measurements (Presentation), Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, and Phillip Aldrete
On-road Evaluation of an Automobile Emission Test Program, Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, Phillip Aldrete, and Robert S. Slott
Submissions from 1996
Method Comparisons of Vehicle Emissions Measurements in the Fort McHenry and Tuscarora Mountain Tunnels, Gary A. Bishop, Scott E. McLaren, Donald H. Stedman, William R. Pierson, Roy B. Zweidinger, and William D. Ray
Measuring the Emissions of Passing Cars, Gary A. Bishop and Donald H. Stedman
Motor Vehicle Emissions Variability, Gary A. Bishop, Donald H. Stedman, and Lowell Ashbaugh
Cost-effectiveness of Emissions Reduction through Vehicle Repair Compared to CNG Conversion, Paul L. Guenther, Jon M. Lesko, and Donald H. Stedman
Prediction of IM240 Mass Emissions Using Portable Exhaust Analyzers, Paul L. Guenther, Donald H. Stedman, and Jon M. Lesko
Real-world Automotive Emissions—Summary of Studies in the Fort McHenry and Tuscarora Mountain Tunnels, William R. Pierson, Alan W. Gertler, Norman F. Robinson, John C. Sagebiel, Barbara Zielinska, Gary A. Bishop, Donald H. Stedman, Roy B. Zweidinger, and William D. Ray
Carbon Monoxide Amongst Other Chemicals (Presentation), Donald H. Stedman
EPA Overestimates the Benefit of Biennial Inspection and Maintenance, Donald H. Stedman
Letter to the Editor re Using Travel Diary Data to Estimate the Emissions Impacts of Transportation Strategies: The Puget Sound Telecommuting Demonstration Project, Donald H. Stedman
Letter to the Editor When EVs Age, Donald H. Stedman
Comparison of Auto Emission Measurement Techniques, P. A. Wlash, John C. Sagebiel, Kenneth T. Knapp, and Gary A. Bishop
Enhancement of Remote Sensing for Mobile Source Nitric Oxide, Yi Zhang, Gary A. Bishop, Stuart P. Beaton, Paul L. Guenther, and Lain F. McVey
On-Road Evaluation of Inspection/Maintenance Effectiveness, Yi Zhang, Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, Stuart P. Beaton, and Paul L. Guenther
Submissions from 1995
On-Road Vehicle Emissions: Regulations, Costs, and Benefits, Stuart P. Beaton, Gary A. Bishop, Yi Zhang, Lowell L. Ashbaugh, Douglas R. Lawson, and Donald H. Stedman
Automobile Emissions - Control, Gary A. Bishop and Donald H. Stedman
On-Road Remote Sensing of Vehicle Emissions in Monterrey, N. L. Mexico, Gary A. Bishop and Donald H. Stedman
A Hydrocarbon Detector for the Remote Sensing of Vehicle Exhaust Emissions, Paul L. Guenther, Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, Stuart P. Beaton, James H. Bean, and Richard W. Quine
Real-World Automotive Emissions-Summary of Studies in the Fort McHenry and Tuscarora Mountain Tunnels, William R. Pierson, Alan W. Gertler, Norman F. Robinson, John C. Sagebiel, Barbara Zielinska, Gary A. Bishop, Donald H. Stedman, Roy B. Zweidinger, and William D. Ray
Playing with Fire, Science and Politics of Air Pollution from Cars, Donald H. Stedman
Remote Sensing: A Simpler Way to Reduce Air Pollution, Donald H. Stedman and Gary A. Bishop
Vehicle Measurements for CO, HC and NO in El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico, Donald H. Stedman, Yi Zhang, and Jon M. Lesko
Worldwide On-Road Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Study by Remote Sensing, Yi Zhang, Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, Paul L. Guenther, and Stuart P. Beaton
Submissions from 1994
Enhancements of Remote Sensing for Vehicle Emissions in Tunnels, Gary A. Bishop, Yi Zhang, Scott E. McLaren, Paul L. Guenther, Stuart P. Beaton, James E. Peterson, Donald H. Stedman, William R. Pierson, Kenneth T. Knapp, Roy B. Zweidinger, John W. Duncan, Alexander Q. McArver, Peter J. Groblicki, and J. Frank Day
On-Road NOx Emissions Intercomparison of On-Board Measurements and Remote Sensing, James W. Butler, Christine A. Gierczak, Gerald Jesion, Donald H. Stedman, and Jon M. Lesko
Mobile-source Emissions in Five Asian Urban Areas: Some Findings and Policy Implications (Presentation), G. Ellis and Donald H. Stedman
Emissions from 200,000 Vehicles: A Remote Sensing Study, Paul L. Guenther, Gary A. Bishop, James E. Peterson, and Donald H. Stedman
Tucson Intersection Study of Automobile Emissions, Amber K. Hodgson, Yi Zhang, and Donald H. Stedman
Determination of Parameters Influencing the Vehicle Emissions in Greece Using a Remote Sensing System, Kostas Nikolaou, Donald H. Stedman, Stavros Papaioannou, Nikos Zoumakis, and Apostolos Kelesis
On-Road Remote Sensing of CO and HC Emissions in California, Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, Stuart P. Beaton, James E. Peterson, Paul L. Guenther, Iain F. McVey, and Yi Zhang
Remote Sensing of Automobile Emissions, Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, Yi Zhang, and Paul L. Guenther
Automobile Emissions in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Donald H. Stedman, Peter J. Popp, and Paul L. Guenther
On-Road Carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbon Remote Sensing in the Chicago Area in 1992, Donald H. Stedman, Yi Zhang, Gary A. Bishop, Stuart P. Beaton, and Paul L. Guenther
Automobile Emissions Are Statistically Gamma Distributed, Yi Zhang, Gary A. Bishop, and Donald H. Stedman
Submissions from 1993
A Cost-Effectiveness Study of Carbon Monoxide Emissions Reduction Utilizing Remote Sensing, Gary A. Bishop, Donald H. Stedman, James E. Peterson, Theresa Hosick, and Paul L. Guenther
Remote Sensing of Vehicle Emissions, Case Study: Thessaloniki, Greece (Presentation), Kostas Nikolaou and Donald H. Stedman
Provo Pollution Prevention Program, Donald H. Stedman, Gary A. Bishop, James E. Peterson, and Theresa Hosick