Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Narratological (Re)Visions: Feminist Poetics and Nontraditional Narrative Structure in Contemporary Women’s Writing, Jenny Albright
The Fold, Cass Eddington
A GIS Approach to Predictive Wildfire Mapping in the Pike National Forest, Erik Gilmore
Genres of Parody: Autofiction, Horror, and the Contemporary Novel, Kevin Kohlhauf
Philosophical Sundials: Adorno and the Lyric, George Kovalenko
From Coal to Solar: Commodity and Energy Trading: Its History, Its Evolution, and Its Response to Today’s Many Challenges and Opportunities, Jasmine A. Passanante
The Multivocality of the California Gold Rush: The Inter-Oceanic Route via Nicaragua, Christine Stadnik-Poteroba
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Procedure, Emily Barton Altman
Understudy, Wendy Chen
Saad éí ná’iiłná, Manny Loley
The Role of Media Representations of Feminicides in Influencing Perspectives of Feminicide in Mexico, Yatzari Lozano Vazquez
Viceroy, Alex Toy
Surety, Anna Zumbahlen
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Mutations in the Human VPS41 Protein and Their Effect on Insulin Secretion, Alyssa Jeng
The Long Pré, Ella Longpre
GIS and Biomphalaria Snail Habitat Suitability Models, Kesiah Mendoza
The Field: A Contraepic, Sara Sheiner
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Animals in Motion, Ashley Colley
The Days Beyond Recall, Rowland Saifi
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Characterizing Roles of Host Cell Trafficking Factors in HIV Assembly and Release, Huxley Kaminsky Hoffman
Female Bildung Before Goethe: An Early Modern Rogue's Endowment, Elisabeth Kinsey
Human Verses Mountain: Climbing, Language, and the Liveliness of Stone, Brian Laidlaw
Home Movie, Nowhere, Julia N. Madsen
Making Faces, Emily Pettit
Fetal Programming of Newborn TL, Stephanie Stout-Oswald
The Last Remedy, Dennis James Sweeney Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Over, Then Over Again, Over: A Poetics of Disorder, Jessica Comola
The Untalented Boyle, Emily Culliton
Hide, Carolina Ebeid
“The Smallest Housewife in the Grass”: Women, Poetry, and American Botanical Culture, Molly Kugel-Merkner
Olly Olly Oxen Free, Mark Mayer
Zat Lun: A Family History, Thirii Myo Kyaw Myint
Queen Fatty, Natalie Rogers
Dispatch, Taryn Schwilling
The Lodger, McCormick Templeman
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Okazaki Fragments, Kanika Agrawal
Bunny, Mona Awad
Mannequins: Stories and Fantasies, Angela Buck
Tiny, Mairead Corrine Case
Imbalances in Balance of Payments with the U.S.: Japan and China Compared, Chen Chen
Queerly as the Night: Towards Post-Post-Colonialism, a Theory of Rhizomic Intelligence, Serena Chopra
(In)Visible, Jennifer Elise Foerster
Paper Dolls Ride Shotgun, Christopher David Rosales
A Season, Michael Joseph Walsh
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Monsters at the End of the World: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Nineteenth-Century Horror and Apocalypse Literature, Catherine R. Alber
A Healthy Interest in the Lives of Others, Teresa Carmody
A Moderator Model of Alcohol Use and Dating Aggression Among Young Adults, Charlene Collibee
Fagin the Jew, Adam Fagin
Sex Partners: Exploring Growth, Change and Impact Across Development, Rachel Lynn Golden
Burn Fortune: The Real June not Marvelous Enough for Us, Brandi Homan
Making Crimes? Technology, Law, and DIY Firearms, Mark Andrew Tallman
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Book of Possibilities, Mildred Kiconco Barya
Righteous, Chrillis, My Mimi, and the Owl, Sarah Wells Boyer
The Region of Perhaps: A Novel, Lindsey Drager
From the Future Mended Body of a Child, Dana Green
Orient, Nicholas Gulig
H and I, Jesse Morse
Something Gold Steps Out of the Skin, Emily Jayne Motzkus
Health Equity in Financing Healthcare: The Turkish Case (2003-2013), Mete Can Özçörekçi
The Iran I Know as a Woman; Exploring the Boundaries of Literature and Ethnography in Reading Lolita in Tehran and Persepolis, Mahshid Zandi
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Following March, Kameron Bashi
Towners Call Us a Circus, Patrick Kelling
Profiles of Risk, Protection, and Socioemotional Adjustment Among Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: A Person-Centered Approach, Shelby Elaine McDonald
Beheld, TaraShea Nesbit
The Royalty of Oakwood County, Katie Jean Shinkle
Mary, Quite Contrary: The Novels of Mary Davys, 1700–1727, Nichol Irene Weizenbeck
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Foodscapes, Foodways, and Nutrition Transitions in Urban Mexico, Susan Bridle-Fitzpatrick
Buying into (Re)tale Therapy: Establishing Identity, Exercising Freedom, and Pursuing Happiness Through Circulations of Personal and Master Narratives About Shopping, Keeley Megan Buehler Hunter
Red of Split Water: A Burial Rite, Lisa Donovan
Scrimshaw, Meghan L. Dowling
Whalelight: A Sounding, Adam Seth Dunham
Accepted Here: Cash, Blood or Stories, Sierra D. Fredricksen
Uncountry, Yanara Friedland
The Role of Technological Change in Economic Theory, Kyle Glenn
Race, Gender, and the Negotiation of Power for White Women Sexual Violence Victim Advocates, Lisa Jane Ingarfield
The Manual Alphabet, Samuel Clare Knights
Valuing, Christopher Kondrich
Children with ADHD: Parental Perceptions of Homework Completion Behavior and the Role of Sports Programming Participation, Jessica Shea Reinhardt
Clasp, Danielle Vogel
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Trauma and Poetry: A Look at Two Poems by Carolyn Forché, Amber M. Adams
After Phenomenology and Deconstruction: Gift, Desire, and the Encounter Between Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Marion, Jason Wesley Alvis
Edible Praxis: Negotiating the Politics of Food and Culture in an Urban Food Desert, Tiffany D. Banks
Shared Experiences and Common Ground: Portraits of Families Who Participate in the Visual, Performing, and Creative Arts, Hilary L. Burg
Impossible Motels, Cristina Brown Celona
I Was Not Born, Julia Alexandra Cohen
Performing Queer-Femininities: Passing, Playing, and Camp, Kathryn Hobson
She Had to be Bad: The Femme Fatale in Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction and Film Noir, Leslie Anne Jennings
Confidence, Seth Landman
Rhetorics of Everyday Resistance: The Belgrade 1996/97 Student Protest, Gordana Lazić
Orationes Regum Ac Potentia: Monarchical Oratory and Power in Shakespeare's Henriad, Marta R. Martins
Islam and International Relations: Towards an Alternative Conception of Universality, Mohammad Ozlat
When Government Wastefulness is Publically Preferred: Applying Relationship Theory to People’s Appraisal of Government Stimulus Spending, Christopher E. Stiffler
Is There a Commercial Residential Housing Bubble in China, Yunyun Wu