Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Gene Expression in the Choanoderm, Jesús Federico Peña
The Impact of Prefrontal Cortex "Warm Up" on Immediate Cognitive Reappraisal Ability in Older Adolescents with Elevated Symptoms of Depression, Emma L. Peterson
Engagement Management: A Case Study of the Criteria and Processes Used to Identify, Evaluate, and Communicate Program Expectations for University Partnerships, Frederick E. Powers
Perceptions of School Reform in a Post-NCLB World: A Cathartic Recovery of the Purpose and a ‘Shining-Through’ of the Spirit of Education, Timothy Arkell Price
Rethinking the Community as Temple: Discourse and Spatial Practice in the Community Rule (1QS), Melissa P. Pula
Economic and Traffic Impacts Following the Installation of New Bicycle Facilities: A Denver Case Study, Stephen Antonio Rijo
The Caregiver–Child Relationship, Youth Mental Health, and Placement Stability in a Child Welfare Sample, Laura A. Rindlaub
Examining the Spatial Aspects of Residential Energy Efficiency: GIS and Survey Analysis in Boulder County, Colorado, Walter Stanley Scheib
Tracing an American Yoga: Identity and Cross-Cultural Transaction, Christa Schwind
The Nature of Imagination in Pedagogy: A Qualitative Study of an Elementary School Setting, Perry S. Shank
Young Adult Children’s Communicative Management of Emotions About Divorce and Divorce Disclosures: Creating and Applying a New Measure, Jenna Shimkowski
The Royalty of Oakwood County, Katie Jean Shinkle
Reclaiming the Body: Understanding Arab–American Hybrid Experience Through Affective Attunement, Salma Tariq Shukri
A Rhetoric of Fields: Orientationalist and Enactive Essays for Writing Studies, Daniel Louis Singer
Climate Driven Changes to Malaria Transmission Patterns in Ethiopian Highlands, Amir Said Siraj
Small Town America Under the “Lights”: Contemporary Images of Rural America in the Series Friday Night Lights, Heather K. Smith
Comparing Short-Term Outcomes of Three Problem Gambling Treatments: A Multi-Group Propensity Score Analysis, Adam David Soberay
Lifting the Veil on Hindi Film Song Sequences: An Approach to Analysis, Maria A. Souliotis
Identification of Geostationary Satellites Using Polarization Data from Unresolved Images, Andy Speicher
Wrestling with Tradition: Japanese Activities at Amache, a World War II Incarceration Facility, Zachary Allen Starke
Psychometric Investigation of the Check-In, Check-Out Fidelity of Implementation Measure, Erin Ann Sullivan
An Analysis of Modified Material Culture from Amache: Investigating the Landscape of Japanese American Internment, Paul Swader
Determinants of Wind Energy Deployment: Infrastructures, Policies, Resources, or Economics?, Marc Sydnor
A Discursive Perspective on China's Global Politics of Climate Change, 1992–2013, Yi-tsui Tseng
Internationalization: Utilizing the University Museum, Adrienne Turnbull-Reilly
MeetUp and Social Capital: Building Community in the Digital Age, Danielle Vaughn
The Interaction Effects of Subjective and Structural Factors on Crime Among Formerly Incarcerated Males, Christopher Alvin Veeh
Measuring Teachers' Knowledge and Use of Data and Assessments: Creating a Measure as a First Step Toward Effective Professional Development, Courtney Vidacovich
Dialogic Constructions of Monogamy: The Discursive Struggles of Mono-Normativity and Mono-Realism, Stephanie K. Webb
Sustainable Farming Versus Ethanol: A Comparison of Energy Use, Brandon John Weiland
Mary, Quite Contrary: The Novels of Mary Davys, 1700–1727, Nichol Irene Weizenbeck
Rhetorical Imperialism, Allison Welty
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students' Standardized English Literacy Achievement and Language Redesignation Status: A Multiple Regression Analysis, Matthew R. Weyer
Becoming a State: Zionist and Palestinian Movements for National Liberation, Martin S. Widzer
Identification of High Energy Cosmic Ray Electrons Using Advanced Techniques in CALET and Fermi LAT, Aaron James Worley
Parental Involvement, Students' Self-Engagement, and Academic Achievement: A Structural Equation Model, Cuirong Wu
Finite Element Analysis of Thermal Buckling in Automotive Clutch and Brake Discs, Huizhou Yang
Rapid Scan Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Digital EPR Development, Zhelin Yu
Facial Expression Analysis via Transfer Learning, Xiao Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Condition Monitoring System of Wind Turbine Generators, Khaled Bubaker Abdusamad
Solar Power Deployment: Forecasting and Planning, Mohana Shandal Alanazi
Impact of Net Metering on Customers Saving, Abdullah F. Albaker
The Education Lorenz Curve: Exploring Education and Social Mobility in a Lorenz Curve Framework, Nichole D. Alexander
Dynamic Materials and Devices for Controlling Solar Heat Gain in Buildings, David Alie
Acting White Among Black College Students: A Phenomenological Study of Social Constructions of Race, Evette L. Allen
Study of Bidirectional Broadband Passive Optical Network (BPON) Using EDFA, Yasser Almalaq
Application of Energy Storage in Power Systems, Khalid M. Alqunun
Hosting Capacity Calculations in Power Systems, Mansoor T. Alturki
Self-Esteem, Spirituality, and Acculturation and the Relationship with Depression in Latinos, Fernando M. Avila
Cavitation in Vial Drop Subjected to Mechanical Shock, Houman Babazadehrokni
A Legacy of Letters: The Construction of an Aging Masculine Identity, K. Tiffani Baldwin
In Search of Social Justice Praxis: A Critical Examination of Senior Student Affairs Officers' Leadership Practices, Ryan P. Barone
Measurement of Low Temperature Thermal Properties of Microcalorimeters Using Johnson Noise Thermometry, Dain Bassett
Roles and Functions of Organizational Ombuds Officers in the United States, Dana M. Bennett
Nitroxide Radicals for Low Frequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging (EPRI), Joshua R. Biller
Glorious Adornment: The Social Function of Cloth and Clothing in Israel's Tabernacle, Selena Billington
Foodscapes, Foodways, and Nutrition Transitions in Urban Mexico, Susan Bridle-Fitzpatrick
Interrogating Music-Historical Narratives Through Ralph Vaughan Williams's Five Mystical Songs, Marilyn L. Brock
Debtor's Empowerment: Muhammad Yunus and the Rhetoric of Microfinance, Kaleb W. Brooks
A Young Child's Anxiety and Math Performance: Enhancing Cognitive Behavioral Intervention with Conjoint Behavioral Consultation, Kirsten L. Brown
Opportunity Gaps and Remediation: Can Academic Intensity in High School Level the Playing Field?, Brian J. Buddenhagen
Buying into (Re)tale Therapy: Establishing Identity, Exercising Freedom, and Pursuing Happiness Through Circulations of Personal and Master Narratives About Shopping, Keeley Megan Buehler Hunter
The Effects of Foreign Aid for Health on Health Outcomes in Developing Countries, Leah R. Burfeind
Biophysical Characterization of the vOTU Proteases from the CCHF and Dugbe Nairoviruses, Glenn C. Capodagli
Molecular Encapsulation in Kinetically Trapped, Hydrogen-Bonded Pyrogallolarene Hexamers, Jennifer Christine Chapin Lake
The Vernacular Discourse of the "Arab Spring": An Analysis of the Visual, the Embodied, and the Textual Rhetorics of the Karama Revolution, Fatima Zahrae Chrifi Alaoui
A Mobile Self-Leveling Landing Platform for Small-Scale UAVs, Stephen Austin Conyers
"Punk Has Always Been My School": The Educative Experience of Punk Learners, Rebekah A. Cordova
Photoassisted Access to New Polyheterocycles, Teresa M. Cowger
Volunteers in America: How Volunteerism and American Civil Society Shape Our Museums, Sarah C. Crocker
Red of Split Water: A Burial Rite, Lisa Donovan
Social Identity and Social Learning Factors as Predictors of Intergroup and Intragroup Social Aggressiveness in College Sororities, Bethany L. Doran
Scrimshaw, Meghan L. Dowling
Whalelight: A Sounding, Adam Seth Dunham
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging and Probes, Hanan B. Elajaili
Studying Eye Gaze of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Interaction with a Social Robot, Huanghao Feng
A Study of Fetal Tissue Implantation for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease: Can Self-Efficacy and Social Support Predict Physical Functioning and Perceived Treatment?, Bethany L. Fiebelkorn
Breaking Your Own Heart: A Qualitative Study of Grief After Initiating a Breakup, Laura P. Finkelstein
Electoral Systems and Ethnic Conciliation: A Structured, Focused Analysis of Vote-Pooling in Northern Ireland Elections 1998–2011, Callum J. Forster
Foreign Investment in African Resources: The Ecological Aspect to Imperialism and Unequal Exchange, Mariko Frame
Accepted Here: Cash, Blood or Stories, Sierra D. Fredricksen
Uncountry, Yanara Friedland
Global Capitalism and the Energy Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities Associated with a Transition to Renewables, Hillary Fronk
The International Human Rights Policies of New Democracies: Brazil and Chile in Comparative Perspective, Claudia Fuentes Julio
Future Work: Denver Metropolitan Area Jobs in a Globalizing Economy, Sharon Gabel
Parameter Identification of Micro-Grid Control System, Ning Gao
Analyzing the Interactions Between Xenopus tropicalis MC2R, MC5R, and the MRAPs: Modeling the Regulation of Frog Interrenal Cells, Yesenia Garcia
Fail-Safe Testing of Safety-Critical Systems, Ahmed Gario
Primary Schooling as Protective and Endangering: The Case of Education in War-Affected Gulu District, Sarah Gates
The Role of Technological Change in Economic Theory, Kyle Glenn
Mitochondrial Involvement in Neuronal Cell Death, Josie J. Gray
Rethinking the Development of the Automobile Industry in China, Chen Gu
"I Came to America, Crying": Rebuilding a Life, Redefining the Self—Ethiopian Women Refugees in Denver (Colorado) (2012–2013), Barbara Guglielminotti Valetta
Power of Equality Myths: A Transdisciplinary Study Examining the Influence of Equality Policy on Teaching and Learning, Jennifer Gutiérrez