Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Performing Queer-Femininities: Passing, Playing, and Camp, Kathryn Hobson
Rethinking the Adventure Education Experience: An Inquiry of Meanings, Culture and Educational Virtue, Benjamin Charles Ingman
An Evaluation of the Potential Impact of Community Oriented Policing in Latin America, Gabriella A. Ippolito
Miracles and Militancy: The Evental Origins of Religious Revolution, Timothy J. Isaacson
She Had to be Bad: The Femme Fatale in Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction and Film Noir, Leslie Anne Jennings
Encounter at Comic Con, Carly Jerome
Acculturation, Marianismo Gender Role, and Ambivalent Sexism in Predicting Depression in Latinas, Andreana T. Jezzini
Dexterous Hexrotor UAV Platform, Guangying Jiang
Defects and Dark Current in Organic Photovoltaics and Impacts on Device Physics, Xin Jiang
"As Our Elders Taught Us to Speak It": Chinuk Wawa and the Process of Creating Authenticity, Kylie N. Johnson
Concurrent Enrollment Programs and Acquired Social Capital for Students from Impoverished Backgrounds: An Examination of High School and College Outcomes, Dan D. Jorgensen
Social Media and Relationship Development, Gretchen Kelmer
Finding Their Way: Teacher Journeys Toward Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Krista Keogh
A Role for Dynamin-Dependent Endocytosis During Drosophila Gastrulation, Marissa Kay Kuhl
The Impact of Transit Oriented Development on the Travel Behaviors of Workers in Denver, Colorado, Gregory J. Kwoka
Confidence, Seth Landman
Rhetorics of Everyday Resistance: The Belgrade 1996/97 Student Protest, Gordana Lazić
Evolution of Melanocortin-2 Receptor Activations: Studies on a Mammal and a Fish, Liang Liang
House of Cards, Matthew R. Lieber
The Hybrid Spirit Animating Chinese Pentecostals in Malaysia, Eu Kit Lim
Authenticity in Education: Theory into Practice, Caitlin Stuard Lindquist
Host Use and Geographic Variation in Fall Webworms (Hyphantria cunea), Katrina J. Loewy
The X-Ray and Spectropolarimetric View of Mass Loss and Transfer in Massive Binary Stars, Jamie Renae Lomax
Clinicians' Perceptions of the Mental Health of Gay Clients and the Effects of Diversity Competency and Modern Homophobia, Joseph M. Longo
Analysis of the Scale of Parenting and Life Functioning Using the Rasch Measurement Model, Laricia Longworth-Reed
Social Presence and Therapeutic Demands: The Role of Technology in the Therapeutic Alliance, Amy Lopez
Parties and Peacebuilding: The Institutional Origin of Multiethnic Politics in India, Indonesia, and South Africa, Geoffrey P. Macdonald
Needs Assessment for Animal-Assisted Interventions: Factors Influencing Implementation of Dogs as Judiciary Aids in Criminal Justice Processes in CPS Cases, Maureen MacNamara
Examining the Low Volatility Anomaly in Stock Prices, Munish Malhotra
AFRICOM's Impact on International and Human Security: A Case Study of Tanzania, Mikenna Maroney
Student Perceptions of School Climate: A Validity and Data Use Study of a District-Developed Survey, Mya L. Martin-Glenn
Reducing Communication Delay Variability for a Group of Robots, Goncalo Martins
Orationes Regum Ac Potentia: Monarchical Oratory and Power in Shakespeare's Henriad, Marta R. Martins
Attentional Processes Associated with Victimization History and Posttraumatic Symptomatology in Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence, Ryan B. Matlow
Thuggin' with the Oldies: Successful Professionals Who Continue to Listen to Gangsta Rap and the Professional Identity Conflict That Arises, TaRhonda Thomas McKee
Modeling HRTF for Sound Localization in Normal Listeners and Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users, Douglas A. Miller
Exploring How Advocacy Influences Policy Decisions Regarding Child Abuse and Neglect: Perspectives of Political Leaders in Colorado, Rebecca Jane Miller Updike
X-Band Rapid-Scan EPR, Deborah Gale Mitchell
Study the Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) for Wireless OFDM, Saeed Mohseni
Longitudinal Effects of Improving Inter-Parental Relationships in Low-Income Couples: Child Outcomes, Erica Grace Moran Etter
RADAR Based Collision Avoidance for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Allistair A. Moses
Regulation of Actin Dynamics During Drosophila Germband Extension, Ashley M. Motlong
Relationship Adjustment in African American/White Interracial Couples, Elizabeth Rose Muino
Effects of Societal Norm Manipulation and Presentation Order on Perceived Relationship Satisfaction, Tina Rene Negley
The Last Citizen: A Response to Rawls's Challenge on Impairment—a Third Principle of Justice, and Extra-Rational Contribution, Michael Neil
'Everything Looks Different up Close': Perception in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood, Jennifer Leora Nessel Cassidy
The Role of the Social Environment in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Among LGBTQ Youth: A Mixed Methods Study, Sarah J. Nickels
Representations of the Care of the Soul in Early Christian Texts, Deborah Ann Niederer Saxon
Comparing Integrative Complexity of Holocaust Rescuers and Perpetrators, Fernando Alberto Ospina
Investing in a Better World: A Study of Country-Level Factors on Investment Outcomes, Richard Matthew Ostberg
Islam and International Relations: Towards an Alternative Conception of Universality, Mohammad Ozlat
Spectacle, Sacrifice and the State: The Legacy of European Fascism and the Revival of Martyrdom in the Modern World, Gerald Robert Pace
Mental Health Outcomes of First Generation College Students: Is Generational Status Associated with Increased Risk for Depression and Anxiety?, James L. Pease
Sense-Making Bodies: Feminist Materiality and Phenomenology in Constructive Body Theologies, Heike Peckruhn
The Influence of Gender and Alcohol Use on Depressive Symptoms Among Men and Women, Elizabeth Anne Peters
The Pursuit of Balanced Income: An Economic Perspective on Wealth, Calvin E. Pierce
Mental Health Literacy of Latina Women in the United States for Their School-Aged Children, Annarheen S. Pineda
Aging and Technology Perspectives of Web-Based Chronic Disease Self-Management, Jennifer Marie Dickman Portz
Novel Functions for Neuronal RNA Processing Bodies in the Control of Axon Terminal Growth in Drosophila Melanogaster, Sarala Joshi Pradhan
Control of Harmonics in 6-Pulse Rectifiers, Sudeep K. Pyakuryal
Techno-Economic and Fluid Dynamics Analysis for Growing Microalgae with the Intent of Producing Biofuel Using a System Model, Leah R. Raffaeli
Representing Intersubject Variability with a Statistical Shape and Alignment Model of the Knee, Chandreshwar Rao
Biophysical Approaches to Human Genetic Disease: ADSL Deficiency as a Model, Stephen P. Ray
Assessment of the Performance of a Resilient Hybrid Political System: The Case of Malaysia, Siti Z. Razali
The Caustic Pen Is Mightiest: A Tradition of Female Satire in the Novels of Jane Austen, Ivy Compton-Burnett, and Muriel Spark, Jaclyn Andrea Reed
The Role of Private International Financial Capital Flows in Support of Development for Emerging Market Countries, Jason Victor Reuter
Examining the Alliance-Outcome Relationship: Reverse Causation, Third Variables, and Treatment Phase Artifacts, John Paul M. Reyes
Towards the Consideration of the U.S. Community College Model to Address the Need for Higher Education Reforms in Ghana, John Kwame Asubonteng Rivers
Hope's Voice: Listening to Urban Youth, Michael Stephen Roth
Attrition in a Telephonic Intervention Program for Depressed, Low-Income Patients in a Primary Care Setting, Benjamin C. Salazar
Islamic Political Thought: Reviving a Rationalist Tradition, Hazem Y. Salem
Hearts and Minds: Collaborative Approaches to Archaeological Site Preservation, Mark Russell Sanders
Cavitation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Shipping, Donn Sederstrom
A Mixed Methods Examination of Structural Bigenderism and the Consequences for Transgender and Gender Variant People, Kristie Lynn Seelman
Oxide Semiconductors for Organic Opto-Electronic Devices, Ajaya Kanta Sigdel
Generalizable Methods for Modeling Lumbar Spine Kinematics, Craig Joseph Simons
Trauma-Focused Involvement in Psychotherapy: Relations with Therapeutic Alliance and Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Tess Siler Simpson
Mimicry, Mirroring, Subversion, and Critique: Reading Heterotopia in the Cubicula of the Sacraments, Eric Christopher Smith
When Government Wastefulness is Publically Preferred: Applying Relationship Theory to People’s Appraisal of Government Stimulus Spending, Christopher E. Stiffler
A New Method to Evaluate Community Based Mediation Programs: Multi-Attribute Cost Utility Analysis, Cory William Stufflebeem
The Removal of Pharmaceuticals from Wastewater by Wet-Air Oxidation, Miao Sun
The Case for Extending Patent Terms for Drugs That Treat Rare Diseases, Joanna Louise Thompson
The Urban Heat Island and Its Influence on Precipitation in Denver, Colorado, Diana Thunen
Beyond Survival to Thrival: A Narrative Study of an Urban Teacher's Career Journey, Kristina Marie Valtierra
U.S.-Taiwan Relations: A Study on the Taiwan Relations Act, Jacqueline Anne Vitello
Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment: Does Family Systems Therapy Improve Family Functioning and Decrease Drug Use?, Darin J. Wallis
Biomechanical Comparison of Lower Limb Unloading Between Common Modalities of Ankle Foot Orthoses, Andrea Blake Wanamaker
Isolation and Characterization of a Full Length Retrotransposon: CR1, Cassandra Michelle Weason
Fresh Squeezed: The Dilemma of Local Food Production Along Colorado's Front Range Urban Corridor, Amanda Jessie Weaver
Editorial Collaboration and Control: Laura Riding and the Seizen Press Years, Christina Cain Whitney
Mitochondrial Glutathione Transport: Implications for Bcl-2 and Neuronal Survival, Heather Marie Wilkins
Development of an Integrative-Comprehension Imagery Scale for Children with and Without Autism, Marcy Willard
Mentoring School Leaders: Perspectives and Practices of Mentors and Their Protégés, Dana Sue Williams
Faculty Engagement with Learning Outcomes Assessment: A Study of Public Two-Year Colleges in Colorado, Jennifer Lynn Williams
Longitudinal Interplay of Dating Anxiety and Romantic Cognitions and Behaviors from Adolescence to Young Adulthood, Jessica K. Winkles