Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Are MBAs and Master's Degrees Worth It? A Discussion of Wages, Job Security and Business Cycles, Claire Foley
The Use of Information and Communication Technologies to Educate Laity: A Case Study, B. Mark Francis
The Impact of European Monetary Integration on the Labour and Conservative Parties in Britain, 1983–2003, Denise Froning
The Correlation Between Professional Learning Communities & Collective Efficacy & the Resulting Impact on Student Growth Data, Joleta Gallozzi
Mass Loss History of Evolved Stars, Kathleen M. Geise
An Integrated Platform to Increase the Range/Endurance of Unmanned Helicopters, Roy Godzdanker
Identifying Quality Mentoring Based on New Teacher Perceptions of Professional Development, Patti Secret Goldsmith Roberts
Personal and Perceived Partner Commitment and Trust as Predictors of Relationship Satisfaction in Long-Distance and Proximally Close Dating Relationships of Graduate Students, Camille C. Gonzalez
The Relationship Between Adolescents' Stage of Change and Their Ability to Establish a Working Alliance in Psychotherapy, Jennifer Lynn Grote
Career Pathway Experiences of Three Female School Superintendents: A Phenomenology, Liann M. Hanson
Transforming Atypical Challenges into Innovative Solutions: A Gendered Analysis of the UN Interagency Rehabilitation Program in Nepal, Sarabeth Harrelson
Transmission Linked to Structural Vulnerability: How Low-Income Countries Endured the Great Recession, Rachel F. Hartgen
Executive Function Development and Early Mathematics: Examination of Dual Language Learners, Hattie A. Harvey
Is It Hot(ter) out There or Is It Just (the) Me(dia)? A Comparative Framing Analysis of Climate Change in the New York Times and the Guardian, Kylah Jae Hedding
Culture and the Classroom: Teachers' Perspectives of Ethnic and Racial Culture in the Middle School Classroom, Rachel E. Heide
Fatigue Testing and Computational Analysis of a Spinal Implant, Timothy Helton
Decolonizing Moral Visions: Christian Political Economic Ethics, Latino/a Religiosity, and Postcoloniality, Rodolfo J. Hernandez-Diaz
Media, Politics and the Portrayal of "Climate-Gate" by CNN and Fox News, Jennifer Renee Hill
An Investigation into the Relationship Between Conscientiousness, Self-Awareness, and Occupational Stress Outcomes in Culinary Chefs, Tanja M. Hinterstoisser
Minorities in Israel: Mizrahi and Israeli-Arab Identity and the Potential for Political Collaboration, Kristin L. Hissong
Digital Storytelling and Study Abroad: The Impact of a Narrative-Based, Reflective Practice upon Identity Construction, Nicole Hubbell
To Get the Shot or Not: Narratives, Rhetoric, and the Childhood Vaccination Crisis, Katherine M. Hurley
Death and Its Beyond in Early Judaism and Medieval Jewish Philosophy, Adem Irmak
Intuitive Virtue in Plato, Augustine, and Gandhi, Brian Timothy Keady
A Country of Immigration? Situating German Multiculturalism in the New Europe, Julia Khrebtan-Hörhager
Multinational Teams: The Relationship Between Work Values and Productivity and the Moderating Effect of Degree of Operational Integration, Kelly C. Kinnebrew
Mitochondrial DNA Analysis by Denaturing High-Performance Liquid Chromatography for the Characterization and Separation of Mixtures in Forensic Samples, Richard Kristinsson
Big City, Marream Krollos
Promoting Smooth School Transitions for Children in Foster Care, Ghyslyn T. Laviolette
Through My Mother's Eyes: The Lifelong Journey of Raising Children with and Without Disabilities, Lucie P. Lawrence
Rethinking Assimilation Through the Lens of Transnational Migration, Bo Yong Lee
Power and Humiliation in Foreign Policy: The Effects of Economic Sanctions, Rebecca A. G. Liftman
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Decision-Making: Development of a Survey Tool, Janeann M. Lineman
Nuclear Dependence: The Russian Federation's Future Reliance on Nuclear Weapons for National Security, Adam J. Lukszo
Employee Health and Fitness Programs Within Educational Settings: An Examination of Job Satisfaction and Intent to Stay, Jennifer Lea Malouff
The Colorado Community Organizing Collaborative: A Critical Realist Case Study, Shawna M. Margesson
Climate Change and Intrastate Conflict in Africa, Eli Samuel Margolese-Malin
The Everard File, Heather N. Martin
Colorado's Large Snow Events' Impact on Tree Ring Growth and Dillon Reservoir, Katrina Leona Marzetta
Preschool Participation and Linguistically Diverse Learners' English Language and Literacy Acquisition, Tara Szabo Maxson
Minimax and Maximin Fitting of Geometric Objects to Sets of Points, Yan B. Mayster
Investigating the Possibility of a Standard of Care for Professionals Who Teach Reading, John Michael McCord
Performing an Embodied Feminist Aesthetics: A Critical Performance Ethnography of the Equestrian Sport Culture, Dawn Marie D. McIntosh
The Relationship Between Vicarious Traumatization and Job Retention Among Child Welfare Professionals, Jennifer S. Middleton
Porting Transmedia Storytelling to Journalism, Kevin Timothy Moloney
AWARE: Analyzing the Impact of an Anti-Human Trafficking Advocacy Curriculum using Sixth Grade Students in Colorado, Alex Kornelius Monroe
Woven Kin: Exploring Representation and Collaboration in Navajo Weaving Exhibitions, Teresa Maria Montoya
Success Stories of Students of Mexican Descent, Wesley Montoya
Products of Their Environment? Nuclear Proliferation and the Emerging Multipolar International System, Jonathan David Moore
Factors That Motivate and Inhibit Educators to Apply for the Principalship, William Morton
Preparing Transformational School Leaders: An Investigation into Leadership Style, Julie Catherine Murgel
Kids and Kingdom: The Precarious Presence of Children in the Synoptic Gospels, Arthur James Murphy
The Millennial Rumor: Understanding Millennial College Students' Characteristics, Digital Media Technology Usage, and Assumptions at the University of Denver, Christina M. Murray
Language Acculturation Discrepancy in Latina/o Families and Its Relationship with Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Jonathan P. Muther
Caring Work: Opening a Space of Possibility for Exploring Transnational Feminist Solidarity Between Privileged and Marginalized Women, Beverly Romero Natividad
Simulation, Application, and Resilience of an Organic Neuromorphic Architecture, Made with Organic Bistable Devices and Organic Field Effect Transistors, Robert A. Nawrocki
Fashioning the Self: Performance, Identity and Difference, Jessica L. Neumann
Is Religion "Just" Supernatural Agency, Social Support, or Meaning?, A. Taylor Newton
Development and Validation of the Children's Social Competence Scale, Annette Irene Nuñez
Workplace Pressures of PK-8 Teachers in a Midwestern Archdiocese, Carrie O'Donnell Brink
First-Generation College Students' Experiences with Social Class Identity Dissonance, Amber Nicole Olson
Taking a Deep Breadth: The Rhetorical Construction of Solidarity in the American Labor Movement, William O'Shannon Murphy
Palestinian Women: Mothers, Martyrs and Agents of Political Change, Rebecca Ann Otis
The Limitations of Governance Indicators in Relation to Post-Disaster Recovery, Susan C. Paganelli
The Development of a P-20 Educational Campus: A Case Study on Innovation, Richard R. Patterson
Instability in the South: The Implications of Mexican State Failure on U.S. National Security, Shadd Allen Pease
Distribution Shifts and Declines in Autonomous Consumption: A Great Recipe for a Great Recession, David Michael Peterson
Who's Doing the Dirty Work? Development and Preliminary Validation of a Measure of Housework, Jocelyn Nicole Petrella
Distinguishing Effects of Domain Knowledge and General Knowledge on Passage Fluency, Oral Reading Errors, and Comprehension, Sarah Jane Priebe
Global Human Rights in an Age of Consumerism, Joel Richard Pruce
Approximate Transversals of Latin Squares, Jon Kyle Pula
Serial Fictions: A Collection, Danielle Rado
High Frequency Thermally Actuated Single Crystalline Silicon Micromechanical Resonators with Piezoresistive Readout, Amir Rahafrooz
Functional Activation of Cartilaginous Fish Melanocortin Receptors, Christina Lee Reinick
Survivor Song: The Voice of Trauma and Its Echoes, Jennifer Rinaldi
The Effects of Commercialization on the Perception of Hip Hop Culture and Black Culture in Mainstream Culture in the United States, Chris A. Robinson
Margaret Cavendish's Exploration of Consciousness in Her Writings, Cynthia Lynne Rogan de Ramirez
Molecular Genetic Basis of Opposite Gene by Environment Interactions in Reading Disability and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Jennifer Rosenberg
MicroRNAs 9a, 9b, 9c and 315 Regulate Expression of a Reporter for the Neuronal Microtubule-Associated Protein Futsch/MAP1B, Leslie M. Rozeboom
Specialty Service Lines in the United States Hospital System: Old Wine, New Bottles, Michael Sajovetz
Contemplative Education CenterStage: Training the Mindful Performer, Linda Anne Sanders
Acute Synaptic Activity Causes Differential miRNA Expression in the Drosophila melanogaster Larval Central Nervous System, Robert Ian Sand
The LGBT Community and Public Space: A Mixed Methods Approach, Emily L. Sanschagrin
Re-Examining the Stop-Signal Task to Test Competing Theories of AD/HD, Laura E. Santerre-Lemmon
Community College Student Motivation and Persistence to Goals, Kai Alina Savi
Trends in Heavy-Duty Diesel Emissions and Analyses of Colorado's Light-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Brent G. Schuchmann
The Affective Dimensions of Social Controversy, Susan Ann Sci
U.S. Foreign Policy in Lebanon: Adapting to Regional Threats Today and Promoting Stability for the Future, Robert Michael Shelala II
The Social Determinants of HIV/AIDS in Cambodia: Is It Too Early to Call Micro Medical Efforts a Success?, Matthew Aaron Sherwood
The Intricacies of M.F.K. Fisher: Discovering a Kaleidoscopic Hybridity, Elizabeth Lee Sleeper
Family Involvement Within Assisted Living: Care-Receivers' and Caregivers' Roles and Relationships, Rachel Vineet Solomon
Persisting to Graduation: A Grounded Theory Exploration of Nontraditional Undergraduate Women's Enrollment, Danielle Ferioli Sulick
Realizing Sustained School Improvement, Jeanice Kerr Swift
Altered Calcium Handling in Cerebellar Purkinje Neurons with the Malignant Hyperthermia Mutation, RyR1-Y522S/+, George C. Talbott
A Study of Transient Variations in Cosmic Ray Proton Intensities Using BESS-Polar I Data, Neeharika Thakur
"Pieces in a Pattern": Virginia Woolf and Family Memory, Kirsten Marie Thoming
Ambivalent Sovereignty: Inquiries into the Dual Foundation of Political Realism's Subject, Paul Timmermans