Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Divergent Responses to the Human Predicament: A Case Study in New Comparativism, Mark Toole
Label-Free Biochemical Recognition Using MEMS Resonators for Microarray Technology, Babak Tousifar
Jesus, Socrates, and the State: Political Mythology and Power, Christopher James Tranchetti
Trick Rider, Jen Tynes
Museveni's Centralization of Power: The Political Economy of Development in Uganda, Nathan Vasher
Parented Emotion: A Study of Adult-Children's Emotion Socialization and Family Communication Patterns, Joseph Grant Velasco
Video Stabilization Using SIFT Features, Fuzzy Clustering, and Kalman Filtering, Kevin Veon
The Impact of Shyness on Loneliness, Social Anxiety, and School Liking in Late Childhood, Charity M. Walker
Do Methods Matter in Global Leadership Development? A Mixed-Methods Study of a U.S.-Based International MBA Program, Jennie L. Walker
A Mixed-Methods Study of Resident Readiness, Engagement, and Relocation During Mixed-Income Redevelopment, Laurie A. Walker
Solar Power System Modeling and Performance Analysis, Jiaqi Wang
China and the United States' Recovery from the Global Financial Crisis, Yufei Wang
Pulmonary Particle Deposition in Relation to Age, Body Weight, and Species, Lisa M. Weber
Colorism in the Spanish Caribbean: Legacies of Race and Racism in Dominican and Puerto Rican Literature, Malinda Marie Williams
Eits: Combinatorics, Potential and Genre, David Wirthlin
Macroeconomics After the Great Recession: Consensus or Conflict?, Hailiang Xu
Interpersonal Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress and Depression, Brennan J. Young
Living Culture Embodied: Constructing Meaning in the Contra Dance Community, Kathryn E. Young
Redefining Classical Music Literacy: A Study of Classical Orchestras, Museum Anthropology, and Game Design Theory, Kimberly M. Zahler
Modeling Social Participation as Predictive of Life Satisfaction and Social Support: Scale or Index?, Anne T. Zelenka
The First Child in a Chinese Family Who Could Read Prior to Entry into Elementary School: A Qualitative Intrinsic Case Study, Shu Ping Zhang
Plasma Membrane Dynamics in the Drosophila Embryo, Amelia E. Zommer
Love Through a Wide-Angle Lens: A Mythic Narrative and Feminist Critique of the Reality Competition Dating Show More to Love, Amy LeAnn Zsohar
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Academic Achievement Among Ghanaian Youth, Ziblim Abukari
Teacher Perceptions of the Factors That Influence Support for an Adequacy Model of School Funding, Nancy L. Alex
Effects of Narrative Video Script Advance Organizer Strategies Used to Introduce Video in the Foreign Language Classroom, Philip D. Ambard
An Investigation into Associations with Attachment, Companion Pet Attachment, Empathy, and Prosocial Behaviors in 18–20 Year Old College Students, Christian Anderson
Gifted Voices: A Study of High School Students' Proficiency in Persuasive Writing and Their Perceptions of Personal Agency, Susan Carol Anderson
From Kabul to the Academy: Narratives of Afghan Women's Journeys to and Through U.S. Doctoral Programs, Bushra Aryan
Mercy Mercy Me (the Media Ecology): Technology, Agency, and "Cleavage" of the Musical Text, Arthur J. Bamford
Reading and Responsibility: The Grammar of the Inexpressible and the Poiesis of Religious Belief, Philip G. Banning
Overexpression of Amyloid Precursor Protein Induces Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress and Activates the Intrinsic Apoptosis Pathway, Matthew G. Bartley
Ruling with Rules: Electoral Institutions and Authoritarian Resilience in the Middle East, Andrew Barwig
Integrated Conflict Management Systems as Cure and Cause: How Leaders Address Cultural Change and Conflict in Their Organizations, Brian S. Beck
"Wanted: Dead or Alive": Masculinities and US Military Intervention in Afghanistan, Michelle E. Bellini
A Response to Aid Dependency: Service for Aid, Angela L. Bennett
The Impact of Self-Efficacy, Commitment, and Coping on Occupational Strain in Non-Managerial, Non-Professional Employees, Susan Leslie Bennett
Dogs and Technology: Our Most Beloved Companions in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century America, Claire V. Bow
Library Anxiety of Law Students: A Study Utilizing the Multidimensional Library Anxiety Scale, Stacey L. Bowers
Effects of Patient Trauma on Hospital Staff Functioning: An Exploratory Study of Psychological Distress Resulting from Trauma Exposure, Randy Allen Braley
Navigating the Paradox of Fear: Collaborative Research Exploring Resettlement and Vulnerability with Displaced Women in Colombia, Emily E. R. Braucher
Transforming Colombia's Conflict: A Case for Re-Prioritizing U.S.-Colombia's Militaristic Approach, N. Brooke Breazeale
From Frat to Fraternity: An Evolutionary Model for 21st Century Greek-Letter Organizations, Matthew Charles Brinton
Scripting the Docufiction: Combining the Narrative and Documentary Modes in a Social Issue Film, Joseph V. Brown
Refashioning Old Clothes: Secondhand Fashion, Meaning, and Liquid Modern Consumption, Keeley M. Buehler
Vignetwork: An Exquisite Corpse Network of Short Films, David Scott Calhoun
Item Order Effects on Attitude Measures, Pei-Hua Chen
Theorizing Ambivalence in Ang Lee's Transnational Cinema: The Discourse of Chinese Identity Between the Local and the Global, Chih-Yun Chiang
Seeing the Buddha in the Book of Job Through Maimonides's Theory of Providence and Eliade's Theory of Hierophany, Hoi Shan Chong
The Expressed Emotion of Mothers of Children with Fragile X Syndrome, Jeanine M. Coleman
The Resource Curse: The Cases of Botswana and Zambia, Audria Crain
Greening the Green Revolution: Moving Beyond Chemicals to Sustainable Agricultural Practices, Elizabeth G. Crawley
The Global Credit Crisis of 2007–2009: An Examination of Some of the Causes, Chronology, and Unconventional Monetary Tools Employed, Mark P. Culver
The Impact of a Mentorship Program on the Academic and Personal Development of College Athletes, Larry Curry
The Expanding Definition of Crime and Its Effect on the Individual: A Multilevel Modeling Analysis, Teresa A. Dalton
Addressing Relational Aggression: Assessing the Merits of Coeducational and Gender-Specific Bullying Prevention Programs, Rena Dulberg
Toward Using Games to Teach Fundamental Computer Science Concepts, Jeffrey Michael Edgington
Relationship Education for Low Income Couples and Individuals: New Research Directions, Lindsey Einhorn
Hermeneutics of the Crossroads, Jacqueline S. Farritor
Student Engagement Differences by Ethnicity and Scale for Ninth Grade Students, Melissa McFarland Fattor
Development of a Men's Depression Inventory, Andrew Fields
Gender, Empowerment and Coffee in Mexico and Central America: A Policy Analysis, Lisa M. Fry
From the Sacred Canopy to the Civic Canopy: Social Transformation Through Dialogue, Collaboration, and Civil Society, William K. Fulton
Green Building in the Mile High City: An Economic and Historical Analysis of the Sustainable Landscape in Denver, Colorado, Jessica Nicole Gabriel
The Pedagogical Role of Reggio-Inspired Studios in Early Childhood Education, Laura Ann Ganus
An ERP Investigation of Hand-Based Bias on Visual Attention, John Philip Garza
Influence of Ethnicity on English Vocabulary Measurement: Using the Montgomery Assessment of Vocabulary Acquisition in One Rural Southeastern New Mexico School, Eileen M. Gatliffe
Mario Math with Millennials: The Impact of Playing the Nintendo DS on Student Achievement, Adam Gelman
The Impact of Adherence to Traditional Masculine Gender Role Norms on Anger and Depression, Matthew Charles Genuchi
Effects of International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme on Teacher Philosophy, Perceptions of Efficacy, and Outlook on Education, Leroy Alfred Getchell
Estimating Economic Activity from Space, Tilottama Ghosh
Modern Slavery: A Regional Focus, Amanda Gould
Middle School Student Records as Dropout Indicators, William Sherman Gregg
Development of Ultra-Sensitive Fluorescence Photoamplification Assays for the Detection of Molecular Recognition Events, Tiffany Priscilla Gustafson
Women's Participation in Transitional Justice Mechanisms: Comparing Transitional Processes in Timor Leste and Sierra Leone, Holly L. Guthrey
The Implementation of Restorative Justice in Iceland: A Comparison of Police- and Expert-Led Conferencing, Hafsteinn Gunnar Hafsteinsson
The Theory and Practice of Leader and Leadership Development: A Multi-Level Perspective, Jacob P. Hahn
Maritime Terror: A Comparative Study of the Barbary Corsairs and Modern Somali Pirates, Lauren M. Halton
Where Have All the Utopias Gone? Ritual, Solidarity, and Longevity in a Multifaith Commune in New Mexico, Linda Prueitt Hansen
An Examination of Caregiving Dyads: Community Dwelling Chronically Ill Older Adults and Their Caregivers, Jessica E. Haxton
Non Traditional Superintendent: A Case Study of the Transition from Military to Public School Superintendent, Luiza Miera Hernandez
Teachers' Perspectives About Implementing a Content-Specific Technology Innovation, Thomas Stovall Hibbs
Process for Selecting an Outside Provider for the Closing the Achievement Gap Project, Dianna Rae Hulbert
An Exploratory Comparative Study of Students' Thinking in Arts Classrooms, Delane Ingalls Vanada
A Pastoral Theology of Congregational Care and Leadership: Nurturing Emergence, Carol P. Jeunnette
Critiquing the Soul of White Supremacy and the Spiritualities of Whiteness: Narrative and Everyday Praxis, Dean J. Johnson
Through the Eyes of a Child: The Archaeology of WWII Japanese American Internment at Amache, April Kamp-Whittaker
Our Health Matters: Promoting the Health of Sexual Minority Women in the New Media Landscape, Brenda Kane
Composing Music in Constrained Search Environments, Jeffrey Keene
Neuroprotective Effects of Anthocyanins on Neuronal Death Induced by Inhibition of Bcl-2 and Oxidative Stress, Natalie A. Kelsey
A Phenomenological Study of How Anti-Racist Leadership Training Principles Impact the Actions of Middle School Principals, John Gregory Kennedy
Divination in 1 Samuel 28 and Beyond: An African Study in the Politics of Translation, J.Kabamba Kiboko
A Phenomenological Study of Racialized Experiences of Asian Adopt Adoptees, Cindi Kim
Ethical Elitism: A Burkean Analysis of the Rhetorical Construction of a Moral Persona in the First Term of President George W. Bush, Veronica Lynn Koehn
Closer to the Heart: An Exploration of Caring and Creative Visual Arts Classrooms, Juli B. Kramer
Walking on the Red Brick Path: A Portrait of African-American Women's Experiences with the Built Environment of a Predominantly White Institution, Stephanie L. Krusemark
Avoiding Tough Policy Choices in an Influenza Pandemic: The Role of Kettl's Rocket Science Model in Public Health, Danny Lambert