Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Short-Term Failure Analysis of Aluminum Conducting Composite Core Transmission Lines, Brian Burks
Hilltop Archaeology: Ceremony and Ritual at the Site of Cerro Santa Rita, Chao Valley, Peru, Richard A. Busch
Extraordinary Leaders for Unordinary Times: A Grounded Theory Study, Doris E. Candelarie
Self-Advocacy Experiences of College Students with Learning Disabilities and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Jennifer Cano-Smith
Woman Has Two Faces: Re-Examining Eve and Lilith in Jewish Feminist Thought, Diana Carvalho
The Longitudinal Factor Structure of Parent Involvement and Its Impact on Academic Achievement: Findings from the ECLS-K Dataset, Hui-Fang Chen
Trajectory of Quality of Life in Advanced Parkinson's Patients Receiving Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation, Karl S. Chiang
A Phenomenological Study of Balanced Leadership, Ann K. Christy
Revictimization: A Multi-Method Approach to Understanding Risk Detection, Ann Chu
A Longitudinal Study of Fetal Tissue Transplantation Surgery: The Effects on Quality of Life and Personality for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease, Cynthia C. Cole
Analysis and Treatment of Emerging Polar Contaminants, Daniel E. Connors
Sibling Relationships During the Young Adult Years: An Analysis of Closeness, Relational Satisfaction, Everyday Talk, and Turning Points, Jennifer Kellie Corti
Exploring the First Year of Teaching Through Focus Group Discussions, Ethno-Mimesis, A/r/tography, and Performance Ethnography, Marilyn F. Cullen-Reavill
Permutation Patterns, Reduced Decompositions with Few Repetitions and the Bruhat Order, Daniel Alan Daly
From Dependence to Global Integration for Development: A Case Study of Vietnam—from 1975 to Present, Phong Thanh Dang
Iraq: The Way Forward—a Political Strategy to Win & End the War in Iraq, Krikor P. Mosses Derhagopian
Homeland Security and Terrorism in Selected European States, Eric M. Deutcher
(De)Composing a Garden for Children's Play, Debra Jean Deverell
Peer Victimization, Student Engagement, and School Attendance: Structural Equation Models, Jason Benjamin Dunkle
Perceptions of Race and Academic Success in an Affluent Suburban Middle School, Robyn Ashley Duran
One of Us: Joseph Conrad's Under Western Eyes and A Personal Record, Torgeir Ehler
An Examination of Love and Marital Satisfaction in Long-Term Marriages, Rebeca Isabel Estrada
Routing in the Dark: Pitch Black, Nathan S. Evans
Indigenous Sovereignty in State-Native Conflicts: A Comparative Study of Process and Outcomes, Christina Farnsworth
Gaming the Network Poetic: Networking and Code in Art Games, Joshua A. Fishburn
A Case Study of Culturally Responsive Teaching in Middle School Mathematics, Rosanne Fulton
Heterogeneous Drive Mechanisms for Novel Locomotion in Rough Terrain, Roy Godzdanker
Weathering the Storm: Climate Change, Vulnerability, and Adaptation in Bangladesh, Justin Guay
What Matters Most? Measuring Service Quality to Improve Schools, Shannon L. Hagerman
The Evolution of Small Business Reform in Russia, Megan Hanna
Flaming Red Wig, Carla Christina Howl
Uncertain Identity: Medical Practitioners in Doctor Thorne and Middlemarch, Denis Illige-Saucier
Assessing Crosstalk Between Calcium and cAMP in Pancreatic Alpha Cells, Julianne Michelle Imseis
Maintaining Adult Student-Parent Distal Relationships: An Explorartion of Mediated Communication Among Thai Students in the U.S., Thammaphong Isarabhakdi
The Spectacle of Neoclassical Economics: The Chad-Cameroon Petroleum Development Project and Exploitation in the Niger Delta and the Chad Basin, Nicholas A. Jackson
Virgil Ortiz: American Indian Artist, Representational Trickster, and Identity Shapeshifter, Noell Ross Jackson
A Critique of Neoclassical Theory of Health Care Consumption, Xiao Jiang
Political Islam in Jordan and Morocco: Changing Tides?, Andrew Johnson
Communicating Queer Identities Through Personal Narrative and Intersectional Reflexivity, Richard G. Jones, Jr.
Fabrication of Silicon Photovoltaic Micro-Particles for Low-Cost Solar Energy Generation, Siddhartha Kala
Development of Test of Academic Readiness, Tanachit Kasintorn
A Computer Science Approach to Identify and Classify Hyperactivated Spermatozoa, Norbert Kaula
Poetry from the Glass Closet: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Pk-12 Educators as They Manage Their Sexual Orientation Identity Within a Teaching Role, Megan Suzanne Kennedy
Exploring the Views of Rural Colorado High School Students About College, Kathleen McMahon Klug
The Burden of Fetching Water: Using Caloric Expenditure as an Indicator of Access to Safe Drinking Water—a Case Study from Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, Jeff La Frenierre
Examination of Universal Screening in Response to Intervention at the Secondary Level, Debra Allison Layland
Alpha-MSH Regulated Cell Signaling in Pancreatic Alpha Cells, Liang Liang
Concurrent Validity of the Transdisciplinary Play Based Assessment-2, Keri E. Linas
Banach Spaces on Infinitely Branching Trees, Annette B. Locke
Using Ground-Penetrating Radar to Study the Bluff Great House: History and Regional Interactions from A.D. 200 to 1300, Sarah M. Lowry
Creating an Indian Space in the City: Development, Maintenance, and Evolution of Cultural Identity and Cultural Connectedness Among Multiple Generations of Urban American Indians, Nancy Marie Lucero
The Digitally Born Identity: The Influence of Social Networking Sites on Teen Identity, Alexis Lynn
Marginality and Coping: A Communal Contextual Narrative Approach to Pastoral Care with Korean American Christians, Jaesang Lyu
English Teachers and English Language Learners in Middle School Classrooms: Perspectives and Practices, Elmer Celso Manzanares
Comparative Study of Transition to Democracy in Portugal and Iran, Loosineh Markarian Senagani
The Humiliation Experience: Causes, Emotional Correlates, and Behavioral Consequences, Kendall Elyse McCarley
The Evolution of Opioid/Orphanin Receptors in Chordates, Jazalle DeShaun McClendon
Relational Financial Satisfaction of Cohabiting Couples, Christine C. McDunn
Gene x Environment Interactions in Developmental Dyslexia, Lauren M. McGrath
Becoming Good Europeans? Globality, the EU and the Potential to Realize Nietzsche's Idea of Europe, Michael J. McNeal
A Grounded Theory Study of Grief in the Lives of Lesbians Age 60 and Older: Implications for Practice and Societal Change, Ginger Charlyne Meyette
A Model for Electrical Communication Between Cochlear Implants and the Brain, Douglas A. Miller
The Child Protection Juvenile Court Process from a Communication Perspective: A Glimpse Behind the Veil of Objectivity Reveals That Race Matters, Debra Ann Mixon Mitchell
Why Two Swords Were Enough: Israelite Tradition History Behind Luke 22:35-38, Kevin Lee Moore
Multicultural Events Within Group Supervision: Minority Experiences and Supervision Satisfaction, Jacqueline Renee Moreno
Carpas, Cuentos, and Corridos: Chicano Arts and Community Building, Tanya Marina Mote
From 'Black-Eyed Girls' to the MMU (Mujeres Methotistas Unidas): Race, Religion and Gender in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, Adriana Pilar Nieto
Chinese Eyes on the Prize: Strategic Partnerships and Changing Priorities, Elizabeth O'Grady
Quantifying Soil and Groundwater Chemistry in Areas Invaded by Tamarix spp. Along the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico, Michelle Kelly Ohrtman
Religio-Political Groups and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process, Catherine Ruth Orsborn
A Critical Realist Exploration of the Relationship Between Personal and Professional Value Systems in Social Workers and the Impact on Motivations for Participation in a Social Work Community of Practice, Philip Jonathan Osteen
Soil Amino Acids at Upper Tree Line, Montane and Lower Tree Line, Kelly C. Owens
Disruptive Technologies in Systems of Care: An Exploratory Study of Social Work with Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities, Rebecca Lynn Paskind
Between Law and Justice: Kant, Derrida, and Religious Violence, Evgeni V. Pavlov
Imagination, Religious Practice, and World Transformations: Sophia, Heidegger, and Jacob Bohme's The Way to Christ, Mark Allen Peckler
Common Strategies Used by Kindergarten Teachers to Instruct Reading to English-as-a-Second-Language Students, Emma Kaye Penn
The Spirit of Stuff: What I Learned When I Sold (Almost) Everything, Rachel Tamsen Perry Schrank
An Exploration of Identification of Leadership for Gifted Students, Christine Estelle Phillips
The Relationship Between Femininity Ideology and Overt and Relational Aggression and Peer Victimization Among Girls, Anne Powell
Humiliation and Its Relationship to Embarrassment and Shame, Danielle Jean Pulham
Understanding Masculinity: The Role of Father-Son Interaction, Clyde J. Remmo
Fuzzy Optimal Swarm of Autonomous Aircrafts for Target Determination and Convergence Control System, Zach D. Richards
An Historical Inquiry into Thomas Jefferson's Influence on the American Educational System, Tory Lynn Richey
Perceived Closeness to the Deceased and Its Predictive Effect on the Development of Prolonged Grief Disorder and Suicidality Among Bereaved College Students, Jeffrey Alan Rings
Still Standing, Wendy Joy Rosoff
Representational Subversions and the Limits of Postcoloniality: Shahzia Sikander's Strategic Contemporaneity, Linda Eilene Sanchez
Job Satisfaction Determinants of Certificated Staff in the XYZ School District, Grant Edward Schmidt
A Vocation as Politics: Work and Popular Theology in a Consumer Culture, Jeffrey E. Scholes
The Ties That Bind: An Examination of Outgroup Relationships as a Deviant Behavior, Carrie L. Shamos
Jean Toomer and Carl Van Vechten: Identity, Exploitation, and the Harlem Renaissance, Phil Shaw
Analyzing the Factors Behind Crude Oil Price Increases from 2002–2007 and the Implications for the Oil Industry: A Non-Technical Assessment, Brian Patrick Shepherd
Reducing Disparities in the Adult Criminal Justice System: Creating a Model for Denver County, Shelley Siman
Remembering Liberal Feminism in Radical Ways: Locating Conservative Strategies in the Narratives of Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers, Tammy Bruce, and Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Jenni Marie Simon
Struggling, Coping, and Thriving: Sense-Making in Stepfamily Couples' Narratives About Coparenting, Andrea L. Smith Sisk
School Engagement and the Achievement Gap, Nicole R. Skalsky