Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Impact of Globalization on Central Appalachian Women: Social Capital and Social Support Networks, Jennifer Lanham
Unmasking Whiteness: A Framework for Understanding Inclusive Leadership at a Predominately White Institution, Nicole Marie Latino
Filmmaker, Lawyer, Indian Chief: The Negotiation of Identity in an Indigenous Film Festival, William Lempert
Learning and Serving: An Exploratory Action Research Case Study of a Middle School Service Learning Curriculum Project, Georgina Levey
RecoNode: Towards an Autonomous Multi-Robot Team Agent for USAR, Kang Li
Response to Intervention: Raising the Achievement of Struggling Readers, Sarah Ellen Littmann
A Study of the Effect of Social Capital on the Recovery of Persons with Mental Illness in Taiwan, Su-fen Liu
Rescued, Rehabilitated, Returned: Institutional Approaches to the Rehabilitation of Survivors of Sex Trafficking in India and Nepal, Robynne A. Locke
Susceptibility Modeling and Mission Flight Route Optimization in a Low Threat, Combat Environment, Brett J. Machovina
A Kachina by Any Other Name: Linguistically Contextualizing Native American Collections, Rachel Elizabeth Maxson
Secrets in Plain Sight: Institutional Covert Discrimination, Jacquelynn Suzette McDaniel
Parents as Change Agents in Their Schools and Communities: The Founding of Families for Early Autism Treatment (FEAT), Bethany Kristin Mickahail
Foreign Language Comprehension: Understanding the Centrality Deficit, Amanda C. Miller
Burdens of Disclosure: A Pastoral Theology of Confidentiality, Virginia R. Morgan
Acculturation of Russian Refugee Adolescents: The Life Domain of Peer Relationships, Andrew A. Morozov
Authenticating Người Mỹ gốc Việt: Vietnamese Americans and the Struggle for Identity, Jennifer Huynh Thi Anh Morrison
Scampering in the City: Examining the Ecological and Social Viability of Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) in Denver, Colorado, Lauren K. Morse
Creativity with Purest Energy: How Sir Thomas Wyatt Introduced Modern English Poetics, Jeffery R. Moser
Analysis and Design of a Feedback Controlled Adaptive Pneumatic Cast, Susan Renee Mueller
Exploration of the Meaning of Depression Among Psychologists: A Quantitative and Qualitative Approach, Akira Murata
Spirituality and School Leadership: A Grounded Theory Study, Karen Musick
Narrowing of Curriculum: Teaching in an Age of Accountability, Donna Kay Newberg-Long
Computational Fluid Dynamic Optimization and Design for the Airborne Laser System, Matthew James Opgenorth
Dancing Power: Examining Identity Through Native American Powwow, Kresta-Leigh Opperman
Investigating Instructors' Conceptions of Evolution Through the Development of the Classroom Test of Evolutionary Reasoning, Patricia Eileen Palko
A Location Aware P2P Voice Communication Protocol for Networked Virtual Environments, Gabor Papp
Byron and 'the Barbarous . . . Middle Age of Man': Youth, Aging, and Midlife in Don Juan, Melanie J. Parker
A Correlational Study of the AVID Program with M.S. Math Achievement, David J. Peak
Controllability and Observability of a Large Scale Thermodynamical System via Connectability Approach, Virdiansyah Permana
Phonological Memory and Broader Language Development: Longitudinal and Etiologic Relations, Robin Leonhardt Peterson
Using Transitivity with Nearest Neighbor to Reduce Error in Sample-Based Pearson Correlation Coefficients, Taylor Phillips
Peace Makers or Draft Dodgers: Haredi Resistance to Israeli Military Conscription, Jay M. Politzer
Particle Matter Measurements for Inspection/Maintenance Programs, Daniel Joseph Pope
Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America, Amy C. Rademacher
Conversion Charter School Leaders' Perceptions of School Change: A Narrative Inquiry, Bridget Dwyer Ramsey
Leadership Analysis: Decision Making in Syria, Taylor Reed
Effects of Peer & Familial Ethnic Socialization on Processes of Ethnic Identity Development in Mexican-Descent Adolescents, Christine M. Reinhard
Prehistoric Sandals of the Southern High Plains: Indicators of Cultural Affinity and Change, Allison N. Rexroth
The Role of the Epistemic Community in Influencing Privacy Legislation: The United States and the European Union, George Edward Richie
Primacy of Conscience: A Pastoral Theological Construction of Agency for Catholic Moral Decision-Making, Donald Augustine Rickard
A Study of the Coping Strategies of Financially Vulnerable Families Facing the Child Care Cliff, Susan J. Roll
A Descriptive-Comparative Study of Professional Development and Observed Quality in Early Care and Education Programs, Rebecca Romeyn
Terrorism Conflict: How the United States Responds to Al Qaeda Violence and Expressed Grievances, Richard Craig Rosthauser
Family Coping as a Protective Factor for Poor Children, Catherine DeCarlo Santiago
Neuronal Calcium Regulation and Cellular Stress in a Malignant Hyperthermia Disease Model, Jason Santiago
Male-to-Female Transsexual Individuals' Experience of Clinical Relationships: A Phenomological Study, Karen M. Scarpella
Feminine Identity Confined: The Archaeology of Japanese Women at Amache, a WWII Internment Camp, Dana Ogo Shew
An Empirical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of JML Assertions as Test Oracles, Kavir Shrestha
Neuropsychological Aspects of Fetal Transplant Surgery for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease: A Longitudinal Study, Gina M. Signoracci
Women Leaders Resolving Conflict in Higher Education: A Feminist Epistemological Perspective, Maureen C. Silva
"In My Heart I Had a Feeling of Doing It": A Case Study of the Lost Boys of Sudan and Christianity, Kathryn Snyder
In Pursuit of Sustained Achievement: A Case Study of One At-Risk School's Efforts to Change Behaviors, Carol A. Sorvig
Influence of Compressible Aerogel Electrodes on the Properties of an Electrochemical Cell, Chris Sponheimer
Deconstructing Collective Identities and Violence: Analytical Perspectives from Indonesia, Brandon Scott Sternquist
Measurement of Thermoelectric Properties of Amorphous Silicon Based Thin Films, Rubina Sultan
Mechanistic Importance of Redox Potentials and Conformational Flexibility in Electron-Transferring Flavoproteins, Michael Anthony Swanson
A Grounded Theoretical Approach to Embodiment Among Homeless Youth, Felicia Washington Sy
Distinguishing a Western Women's College: A History of the Curriculum at Colorado Women's College, 1909–1967, Jennifer Ann Thompson
Teaching About Genocide: A Cross-Curricular Approach in Art and History, Mark Thorsen
Emergent Geographies in Green Energy, Sean Tierney
Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment of TIMSS-2007 Mathematics Achievement Items for 8th Graders in Turkey, Turker Toker
Developing Emotional Security Among Children Who Have Been Adopted, Kate Trujillo
The Road Less Taken: A Qualitative Inquiry of Christian Homeschooling in Taiwan, Wei-chen Tung
Embracing Resistance at the Margins: First-Generation Latino Students' Testimonios on Dual/Concurrent Enrollment High School Programs, Michelle Renee Turner
William Shakespeare and Chinua Achebe: A Study of Character and the Supernatural, Kenneth N. Usongo
Novel Photochemical Methodologies for Diversity Oriented Synthesis and Screening of Combinatorial Libraries, Roman Askatovich Valiulin
College Search Factors That Impact College Matriculation for African American Students: Implications for Policy and Praxis, Brandi Nicole Van Horn
Comprehensive Validation of a Measure of Student School Engagement: A Pilot Study of Middle School Students, Emma Vazirabadi
Lifting Module Maps Between Different Noncommutative Domain Algebras, Jonathan Von Stroh
Fostering Global Security: Nonviolent Resistance and US Foreign Policy, Amentahru Wahlrab
Influence of Organizational Factors on Job Satisfaction of Disability Service Providers at Postsecondary Institutions, Emelda Walker
Strong Orbit Equivalence and Residuality, Brett M. Werner
Constructing a Neuroscientific Pastoral Theology of Fear and Hope, Jason C. Whitehead
Asset Distribution and Productivity: Best Practices for Developing This Synergistic Relationship, Wendy Lee Willbanks Wiesner
SIFT-ME: A New Feature for Human Activity Recognition, Guosheng Wu
Toward a Distributed Actuation and Cognition Means for a Miniature Soft Robot, Xiaoting Yang
Electrohydrodynamic Atomization for Improved Macromolecular Drug Delivery, Michelle Zeles-Hahn
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Lifetime Estimation of Wireless Body Area Sensor Network for Patient Health Monitoring, Frank Agyei-Ntim
The Passions and Self-Esteem in Mary Astell's Early Feminist Prose, Kathleen A. Ahearn
The Doctrine of Christian Perfection for Today: Reading Wesley's Theology Through the Lens of Process Thought, Jung Sup Ahn
IRUS: An Intercultural Collaborative Art Show Between Artists in Iran and the United States, Morehshin Allahyari
Parametric Model of Head Related Transfer Functions Based on Systematic Movements of Poles and Zeros with Sound Location for Pole/Zero Models, Bahaa W. Al-Sheikh Hussein
Role of Pro-Apoptotic Bcl2-Homology-3 Domain (BH3)-Only Proteins in the Mutant SOD1 Mouse Model of ALS, Anna George Andrianakos
Ocosta-by-the-Sea: A Boomtown in Three Narratives, Katherine L. Arntzen
Photonics Based Techniques for Millimeter-Wave Generation, Transmission, and Multiplexing, Daw Asderah
The Effects of Individual, Family, and Community Factors on Adult Resilience: A Study on the Tsunami Survivors of 12/26/2004, Johny Augustine
Cortisol Reactivity Across the Day at Child Care: Examining the Contributions of Child Temperament and Attachment to Mother and Lead Teacher, Lisa S. Badanes
Explicit Finite Element Modeling of Knee Mechanics During Simulated Dynamic Activities, Mark A. Baldwin
Gene-Environment Interactions in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Holly Donovan Barnard
Even in the Face of History: The Experiences of Gifted African-American Students, Rivian Segal Bass
The Middle East Quartet of Mediators: Understanding Multiparty Mediation in the Middle East Peace Process, Kris Arthur Bauman
The Investigation of Nano Silica in the Cement Hydration Pro, Jonathan Samuel Belkowitz
Sub-Ordination: Mary Magdalene, the Church, and the Ordination of Women, Richard Bishop
Negotiating with Separatist Terrorists, Dottie Bond
Conversion to Islam in Colorado, Patrick D. Bowen
Hedging to Safety: A Political Economy of Derivatives, Risk and Agriculture in the Developing World, Sasha Coler Breger Bush
Effectiveness of Teacher Preparation Programs as Perceived by First Year Teachers, Loren Harriet Brevik
A Supreme Battle in Metaphor: A Critical Metaphor Analysis of the Culture War in Lawrence v. Texas, Judy A. Bruce
Bridging Policy and Education: How Elementary Students Are Impacted by Reform Efforts, Kristen E. Bunn