Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 2010
Asking for Help: Vulnerability Within Consultative Assessment—a Couples Therapy Example, Kelly Wade
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Increasing Psychologists' Willingness to Assess and Treat Substance-abusing Clients, Brandon Ward
The Relationship Between Feminine Gender Norm Conformity and Purpose and Meaning in Life Among Female College Students, Christy Weller
Therapeutic Personality Assessment with Couples: A Short-term Therapy Model, Sharon M. Wilson
Exploring Existentially Based Interventions for Career Transitions in Sport, Michael Wong
Incorporating Multiculturalism in Medical Decisional Capacity Assessment, Yuko Yamato
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 2009
Dance/Movement Therapy: A Proposed Intervention for Meeting the Unique Psychosocial Needs of Highly Gifted Children, Krista Brittain
Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Multiculturalism: An Integrated Treatment Package for Adolescent Populations, Casey M. Casler
The Role of Faith Communities in the Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention of Suicide, Timothy D. Doty
A Qualitative Study of Variables Contributing to the Decision for Women of Color to Enter Graduate Programs in Psychology, Reiné H. Evereteze
Bilingual, Bicultural Latino(a) Therapists: The Necessity of Adapted Cultural Competence Trainings in Professional Settings, Miguel Fraguela
"Trans-Forming" Congregate Care: Toward Meeting the Needs of Transgender Youth in Residential Facilities, Lisa Michelle Fuchs
A Cognitive-behavioral Perspective on Clinical Trainee Stress, Debbie M. Garcia
Lesbians and Scrabble: Understanding Lesbian Bed Death from a Feminist Perspective of Science, Kirsten Ging
"They All Look Alike": Own Race Bias as a Product of Language, Abra Havens
Paternal Postpartum Depression: The Male Side, Courtney Ellen Hergenrother
Predicting Violent Behavior in Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury: The Utility of the Personality Assessment Inventory, Robert L. Leach
Concurrent Validity of the Transdiciplinary Play Based Assessment—Second Edition, Keri E. Linas
Mental Health Implications of Acculturation and Adjustment for Mexican Female Immigrants: Four Case Vignettes of Women in Treatment, Merissa Malacara
Culturally Competent Trauma Treatment with Gay Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Shaayestah Merchant
Walking a Mile: An Experiential Empathy Rejuvenation Curriculum for Medical Providers, Samantha Pelican Monson
Bridging the Gap Between Traditional and Theraputic Assessment: Considerations for an Integrated Model, Kimberly Pfaff
Eating Disorders in Multicultural Populations: Etiology, Assessment, and Treatment Recommendations, Millie M. Riss
Interventions for Tutoring Adolescents with AD/HD for the SAT, Robert Rosenthal
Combining Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Prolonged Exposure in the Treatment of Combat Veterans with PTSD: A Research Proposal, Geoff Schwerzler
The Therapeutic Application of Self Psychology to the Treatment of Complex Trauma, Katrin Seifert
Adult Well Siblings: A Phenomenological Investigation of Their Experiences, Keren L. Sofer
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 2008
Clinical Implications for Working with Gay Men: A Self Psychological Treatment Approach, Ashraf Ahmed
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 2007
The Perpetration of Spousal Abuse by Male Combat Veterans: Recommendations for Individualized Group Domestic Violence Treatment for Veterans, Anne A. Alarie
Identifying Overweight Risk and Intervening at the Twelve Month Well Child Exam, Jennifer J. Brown-Morgan
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 2005
Convention, Tradition, and the New Wave: Assessing Clinician Identity Within Behavior Therapy, Brooke Kraushaar
Adding Color to Feminism: White Privilege Within the Women's Liberation Movement, Jessica Lipkind
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 2002
Japanese American Biracial Adolescents and Identity Formation, Camille R. Ace
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 1999
Post-conflict Maternal Communication, Children's Understandings, and Child Functioning in Violent and Non-violent Families, Michelle L. Acker
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 1995
What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us: Clinical Inference Bias and Constructed Memories of Sexual Abuse, Liliana Hoyos Kite
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 1992
The Relationships Between Child Maltreatment and Exploratory Behavior Implications for Development, Juanita C. Ainsley
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 1991
Parent-child Interaction and Children's Self-concept, Mari Jo Renick
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 1986
Comparison of Couples' Normal Life Cycle Development and Intimacy Distance Regulation, Beverly Brauer
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 1983
Male/Female Manifestations of Narcissistic Personality and Behavioral Disorders, Elizabeth Ann Robinson
Doctoral Papers/Masters Projects from 1979
The Effects of Father Absence Due to Divorce: A Systems Interpretation, Kirsten Akse