Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Power Behind Postsecondary Attainment Goals: A Critical Policy Discourse Analysis, Casey McCoy-Simmons
Investigating Servant Leadership Measurement: A Mixed-Methods Study Integrating Content Analysis and Meta-Analysis, Kai Torsten Schramm
Settler Colonialism and Refusal Through Indigenous Eyes, Charlie Amáyá Scott
Paycheck-to-Paycheck: How Public Service Loan Forgiveness Inhibits Generational Wealth Attainment for Black Women, Ashley Patrice-Rose Sherman
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Exploring College Experiences of Muslim Students at Four-Year Institutions in Colorado: A Narrative Inquiry, Kamal Gamada Ararso
An Empowerment Evaluation of Colorado Mountain College’s Mountain Scholars Program via Latino Alumni Aspirational Goals and Outcomes, Laura Anne Bruch
Study Abroad and the Global Public Good: A Developmental Evaluation of the International Business Major, Sara Barbier Bularzik
What a Way to Spend the Day: A Curated Multiple-Case Study of College Counselors and Their Guidance of Prospective Music Majors, Stephen Campbell
When Data Matter: Evaluating Data Prioritization for Department-Level Decision-Making in Higher Education, Cindy Cragg
Embracing Green Chile: An Exploratory Factor Analysis of Community Cultural Wealth, Lynda Duran
Persistence and Retention of Adult Learners: Results of a Program Evaluation of Tuition Funding Provided by Employers, Andrea J. Gross
The Rural Post-Graduation Plan Development Model: Advancing Student College Choice by Centering Rural Communities, Steve Jenks
Mothers in Law: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Mothers in Law School, Sarah M. Jordon
Does Publicness Matter? A Mixed Method Analysis Identifying and Measuring Institutional Contributions to State Goals for Public Higher Education, Sophia Laderman
Investing in Your Employees: Understanding the Impact Organizational Commitment Has on Staff Retention, Vanessa Lynne McWhirt
Seeking Sisterhood: An Exploratory Qualitative Inquiry into the Sorority Rejection Experiences of Black Women, Jasmine Michelle Pulce
The Vigor of Creative Materialism: Making the Hidden Stories of Underrepresented Engineering Students Visible, Katherine A. Robert
Fostering an Inclusive Learning Environment Through Course Development: A Program Evaluation, Rachel K. Rogers
A Qualitative Inquiry of Research Administrator Perceptions of Job Satisfaction in a Central Research Administration Unit at the University of Denver, Noelle L. Strom
Exploring Collective Impact: A Developmental Program Evaluation of a College Access Program, Diana C. Zakhem
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
“Damned if Ya Do, Damned if Ya Don’t”: A Critical Narrative Inquiry Exploring the Gendered Racism Experienced by Black Women Housing Professionals in Higher Education, Shaniquè Jazmine Broom
Exitosas on Their Own Terms: Centering Latina Testimonios to Understand Latina Undergraduates’ Student Success Beliefs, Lauren R. Contreras
Making the Most of Program Evaluation Data: Understanding Human Services Professionals’ Well-Being Through Qualitative Secondary Analysis, Elizabeth Ann Deaton Wacker
Understanding the Role of Home Community Environments in Shaping First-Generation Jamaican University Students’ Access and Persistence in Higher Education: Using Liming and Photovoice Methodologies, Shenhaye C. Ferguson
A Call for Critically Inclined Higher Education Data, Wendy A. Fish
Examining the Relational Space of Native Faculty Members in Higher Education, Stevie Lee
Interrogating Whiteness in Graduate Education Culture: A Phenomenological Exploration of Southeast Asian American Graduate Student Experiences, Lesley Nina Sisaket
Policymaker Discourse in Colorado Public Higher Education Appropriations, Nathan Willers
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Policies Affecting Post-Traditional Students and Students Facing Economic Instability at the Community College, Joshua Patrick Bowens
Evaluating Foundational Components of Research Consultations in an Academic Library Research Center, Ryan F. Buller
“It Sucks, But I’m Grateful”: Understanding the Experience of Autistic Students Living in the Residence Halls, Mary F. Elliott
A Policy Discourse Analysis of the Opportunity Hire Policy for Women of Color in Higher Education, Thanh T. Nguyen
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Black Finesse Amidst the Political Science Paradigm: A Race-Grounded Phenomenology, Janiece Zalina Mackey
50-State Higher Education Disability Policy Review 2008-2019: A Content Analysis, Marie Orlin
College, at What Cost? African American/Black Women Undergraduate Students’ Perception of Institutional Policy Levers, Tamara D. White
Doctoral Research Projects/Dissertations in Practice from 2019
Orientation for College Success: A Utilization-Focused Evaluation of the Student Orientation and Registration Program at the Steamboat Springs Campus of Colorado Mountain College, Jacquelyn B. Brazill
Rankism in Higher Education: A Critical Inquiry of Staff Experiences, Erin M. Christensen-Mandel
Letting the Village Be the Teacher: A Critical Ethnographic Case Study of Community-Based Learning in Northern Thailand, Lauren Collins
Utilization-Focused Evaluation: Exploring the Academic Self-Efficacy of Paramedic Students in a Hybrid Learning Program, Amy Connerton
Assembling a Hispanic-Serving Institution: A Campus Landscape Analysis of a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Brenda Lee Jimenez Sifuentez
Reducing the Attainment Gap for Low Socio Economic Status Students: Concurrent Enrollment Program Evaluation Colorado Mountain College, Jeremiah Fernandez Johnson
A View from Within: University Honors Programs and African American Women at a Predominantly White Institution, Janell Lindsey
Stories of the 3%: Foster Care Alumni Narratives of Resilience and Postsecondary Attainment, Molly Sarubbi
The Racialization of Relationships Between Higher Education Institutions and Cities: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Changing North Denver, Sabrina Carolina Sideris
The Role of Higher Education in Rural Economic Development: A Program Evaluation of the Colorado Rural Jump-Start Program, Maureen T. Stepp
Community of Inquiry: Discovering Social, Cognitive, and Teaching Presence in a Hybrid Master of Divinity Program, Vincent J. Tango
Student Satisfaction with Canvas Use in Face-to-Face Courses at Colorado Mountain College, Chris N. Wenger
Women Coaches Navigating the Leadership Labyrinth at a Division II Regional Comprehensive University: Queering Discourse and Narratives, Julie A. Wienski
Doctoral Research Projects/Dissertations in Practice from 2018
Utilizing a Learning Management System to Support Access to Study Abroad: A Program Evaluation at the University of Denver, Christopher Chaves e Silva
Promoting Equity for Black Males: A Master Gardener’s Narrative for School Change, Antoinette R. Hudson
Exploring the Community Impact of Community-University Partnerships, Stacey D. Muse
Funds of Knowledge and the College Success of First-Generation Students, Low-Income Students, and Students of Color: A Transformative Mixed Methods Study, Delma Margot Ramos
Doctoral Research Projects/Dissertations in Practice from 2017
Developmental Education Redesign: An Analysis of Cooling Out in a Community College Mathematics Assessment Preparation Program, Megan Rector
What Gets Lost in the Numbers: A Case Study of the Experiences and Perspectives of Black and Latino Faculty in Academic Medicine, Sylk M. Sotto Santiago
The Long and Unconventional Road: Stories of Financial Challenges and Systemic Barriers in College Completion for Adult Women Undergraduate Students, Michele Anne Tyson
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Foundations of Inequity: A Social Ecological Exploration of Colorado Rural School Leaders Lived Experiences, Bryan E. DeShasier
Student-Athlete Learning: How Learning Spaces Influence Athletic and Academic Success, Kelli A. Logan
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Acting White Among Black College Students: A Phenomenological Study of Social Constructions of Race, Evette L. Allen
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Towards the Consideration of the U.S. Community College Model to Address the Need for Higher Education Reforms in Ghana, John Kwame Asubonteng Rivers
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Disrupting the Deficit Discourse on Historically Black Colleges and Universities: An Organizational Identity Case Study of Philander Smith College, Shametrice Ledora Davis
Multiple Perspectives on Academic Service-Learning Partnerships at the American University in Cairo: A Mixed Method Study, Neivin Mahmoud Marzouk Shalabi
"I Went to the Woods Because I Wished to Live Deliberately": How a College-Level Academic Course Can Influence a Lifetime, Lauren Elizabeth Victor
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Persisting to Graduation: A Grounded Theory Exploration of Nontraditional Undergraduate Women's Enrollment, Danielle Ferioli Sulick
Do Methods Matter in Global Leadership Development? A Mixed-Methods Study of a U.S.-Based International MBA Program, Jennie L. Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
From Kabul to the Academy: Narratives of Afghan Women's Journeys to and Through U.S. Doctoral Programs, Bushra Aryan
Women Leaders Resolving Conflict in Higher Education: A Feminist Epistemological Perspective, Maureen C. Silva
Submissions from 2009
0590 Fiscal Stability Commission, Colorado Legislative Council
Effects of Institutional Factors on the Retention of Graduate Students of Color in Schools of Library and Information Science, Sandra M. Snyder-Mondragon
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Toward a New Social Contract: A Tripartite Mixed-Methods Analysis of Social Sustainability at Three Land-Grant Universities, Lyndsay Josephine Agans
Integrating Service-Learning into Undergraduate Students' Curricula: Recommendations for Best Practices, Neivin Mahmoud Marzouk Shalabi
Submissions from 2005
0541 Economic Development Committee, Colorado Legislative Council
0545 Interim Committee on School Finance, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1996
0403 Colorado Commission on Achievement in Education, Colorado Legislative Council
0419 Colorado Commission for Achievement in Education, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1995
0411 Department of Military Affairs Interim Committee, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1994
0391 Capital Development Committee, Colorado Legislative Council
0397 Colorado Commission for Achievement in Education, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1991
0363 Committee on Federal Budget Task Force, Colorado Legislative Council
0367 Committees on: Joint Education Committee, Joint Health, Environment, Welfare, and Institutions Committee, Joint Judiciary Committee, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1990
0349 Task Force on Federal Civilian and Defense Expenditures, Colorado Legislative Council
0361 Committee on Education, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1985
0293 Higher Education, Colorado Legislative Council
0296 Committees on: Workmen's Compensation and Unemployment Compensation, State Tax Policy, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1983
0283 Committees on: Dam and Reservoir Safety, and Water, Personnel, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1981
0264 Committees on: Exceptional Children and Community Colleges, The Judicial Caseload and Juvenile Sentencing, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1978
0236-1 Volume I — Committees on: Corrections, Higher Education, Water and Coal Slurry, Legislative Procedures, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1977
0223-2 Recommendations for 1978 Committees On: Agriculture and Wildlife, Higher Education, Governmental Expenditures, Mined Land, Legislative Procedures, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1972
0185 An Analysis of 1972 Ballot Proposals, Colorado Legislative Council
0198 Organization of State Government, Colorado Legislative Council
Submissions from 1971
0167 Indian Enrollments and Tuition Waivers at Fort Lewis College, Colorado Legislative Council