Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Let the Forest Go, Justin B. Wymer
Tibial Strains and Tray-Bone Micromotions After Total Knee Arthroplasty: Computational Studies Evaluating the Tibial Fixation, Huizhou Yang
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Automated Change Detection in Privacy Policies, Andrick Adhikari
Investigating New Methods to Develop Perovskite Solar Cells, Amani Hussain Alfaifi
Measuring the Connective Action of Black Lives Matter Activists: A Psychometric Investigation into Twitter Data, Paige Alfonzo
Experimental Evaluation of Medium-Voltage Cascode Gallium Nitride (GaN) Devices for Bidirectional DC–DC Converters, Salah Salem H. Alharbi
Experimental Investigation of Low-Voltage Silicon Carbide (SiC) Semiconductor Devices for Power Conversion Applications, Saleh Salem H. Alharbi
Thermally Driven Spin Transport in Ferromagnetic Metals, Wafa Saud Aljuaid
Impact of Grid-Following and Grid-Forming DERs on Resilient Operation of Holonic Grid, Ali M. Alsenan
Do Guest Workers Have an Impact on The Wages of Native Workers in Saudi Arabia?, Sultan Alsubaiee
Urban Informality, Environmental Xenophobia, and Infrastructures of Citizenship: The Political Lives of Nicaraguan Migrants in the Informal Settlement of La Carpio, Costa Rica, Nikolai Alexander Alvarado
In Vivo Data Capture Using HSSR for Calibration of Computational Models, Thor Erik Andreassen
Examining Artifacts of the Watershed Segmentation, Emily Jo Armitage
How Parents, Teachers, Psychologists, and Educational Environments Influence Developmental Transitions of Preadolescent Twice-Exceptional Students, Karen B. Arnstein
Social Work, Social Justice, and the Causes to Which We Are Called: Attitudes, Ally Behavior, and Activism, Brittanie Atteberry Ash
Rock Glacier Development in the San Juan Mountains, Brandon K. Bailey
Urban Green Space: Mitigator or Multiplier of Inequality in the Denver Metropolitan Area?, Joshua Charles Baldwin
Fluid Dynamics Characterization of Transcatheter Aortic Valves, Mohammed Barakat
The Emerging Metamodern Sensibility in Narrative: A Case Study of Things Left Forgotten and the Dai Gyakuten Saiban Games, Gina Barbieri
Creating Life-Long Relationships With the Arts: A Caring Philosophical Approach, Jennifer Sparkman Bartee
People and Place: A Journey Through Film, Tourism, and Heritage, Sarah Beals
Impacted Youth: Why School Psychologists Need to Consider Diverse Approaches of Support, L. Morgan Beidleman
2D Confinement of Thermal Gradients in Metallic Non-local Spin Valves, Rachel K. Bennet
Youth with Juvenile Justice Contact: Special Considerations in Measurement, Anne Elizabeth Biehl
Social Support Among Undergraduate Students: Measure Development and Validation, Heather M. Blizzard
Empathy and Understanding: The Impact of Gifted Adults in the Field of Gifted Education, Laura N. Boroughf
Living Words; Dying Flesh: The Truth and Testimonies of Desdemona in Othello and Pompilia in The Ring and the Book, Martha Clare Brinkman
School Facet Through Surrounding Factors: A Geospatial Analysis of Community Social Capital Impacting Elementary Schools, Sajjid Budhwani
The Interplay Between Economic Growth and the Environment: The Case of China, Christian D. Carpio-Thomas
Caballerismo in Latinx Men in Higher Education, Victor Carrasco
Comprehensive Research Synthesis: An Approach to Mixed Methods Research Syntheses, Lilian Linialy Chimuma
Pivotal Perceptions: A Phenomenological Exploration of Trauma-Informed Practices in an Urban School, Marni Choice-Hermosillo
English Language Proficiency and General Intellectual Ability: Is There a Relationship?, Emily Kathleen Coggin
Controlling Transition Metal-Catalyzed Alkyne Annulations Utilizing Polarized Ynol Ethers, Brandon L. Coles-Taylor
Cellular and Developmental Insights into the Early Evolution of Muscle, Jeffrey J. Colgren
Student Outcomes in Online and Face-to-Face Classes at a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), Rebecca S. Cottrell
Using Natural Language Processing to Categorize Fictional Literature in an Unsupervised Manner, Dalton J. Crutchfield
Educational Achievement, Engagement, and Persistence in Choctaw Nation: A Study of the Success Through Academic Recognition Program, Suzanne Delap
When Repatriation Doesn’t Happen: Relationships Created Through Cultural Property Negotiations, Ellyn DeMuynck
Comparing Modern Day Acquisition Costs of Trafficked Individuals: Implications for Anti-Trafficking Measures, Chelsea Reneé Dillane
Behind the Exhibit: Exploring the Processes of Indigenous Rights Representation at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Madison Caroline Dillard
Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Brain Structure in Adulthood, Alexander J. Dufford
From Field to Museum: Intergenerational Education in Public Archaeology, Nicholas Daniel Dungey
Do You Hear Us? Amplifying Alternative Pathways for High School Pushouts Through Youth Participatory Action Research, Rob A. Duren
Characterization of the Dimerization and Salt Dependent Aggregation of the ALS-Linked Protein TDP-43, Elizabeth Ehrhardt
Human Genetics, Psychotropic Drugs, and Acts of Violence, Selma Jolanda Eikelenboom-Schieveld
Development Towards an Ethylene Sensing Artificial Metalloenzyme, Mitchell Lee Ellinwood
Development of a Clinical Marker-less Motion Capture System for Patient Monitoring, Abigail Eustace
Gifted Identification in Young, Historically Underrepresented Populations: A Phenomenological Study, Meryl A. Faulkner
Xylo-Bot: A Therapeutic Robot-Based Music Platform for Children with Autism, Huanghao Feng
Manifestations: Displays of Internal Beliefs and Perspectives, Manuel Ferreira
Portraits of Professional Collaboration: Faculty-Librarian Teaching Partnerships, Carrie L. Forbes
Working for a Living: A Terror Management Theory Approach to Finding Meaning in Vocation, Julian T. Frazier
Supporting the Affective Needs of Gifted Readers: An Educational Criticism and Connoisseurship Study, Kimberly G. Freed
Quantification of Mitochondrial Zinc Homeostasis and Analysis of Zinc and Polyamine-Mediated Axonal Trafficking, Dylan Hunt Fudge
A Spectropolarimetric Study of Southern WR + O Binaries, Andrew G. Fullard
Certification-Driven Testing of Safety-Critical Systems, Aiman S. Gannous
Living the Dream: Building Self-Determination to Improve Postsecondary Outcomes, Pete Gladstone
The Impact of a High School Theatre Arts Program on Students’ Academic and Non-Academic Learning Outcomes: A Case Study, Grant H. Goble
Subalpine Forest Tree Seedling Response to Drought, Alex Goke
Developing Machine Learning Algorithms for Behavior Recognition from Deep Brain Signals, Hosein Golshan Mojdehi
Sensitivity of Radical SAM Enzyme MftC to Molecular Oxygen, Vishnu Govindarajan
White Racial Framing in the Principalship: Implications for Culturally Responsive School Leadership, Guerin Gray
Performances of an Able, Academic Mind, Caleb Green
Ayahuasca’s Religious Diaspora in the Wake of the Doctrine of Discovery, Roger K. Green
Renewable Energy Integration in Distribution System with Artificial Intelligence, Yi Gu
Spatial and Temporal Controls on Streamflow Variability in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, Christopher Lewis Hancock
Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Optimization of Building Energy Control and Management, Jun Hao
An Examination of Relational Health, Belonging, and Self-Compassion in Chinese International Students, Elizabeth A. Harris Shaffner
Automated Recognition of Facial Affect Using Deep Neural Networks, Behzad Hasani
Microgrid-Enabled Reactive Power Support to Enhance Grid Economics, Sarhan Hasan
Deep Siamese Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild, Wassan Hayale
Lessons from Controversy: Interpreting the Sand Creek Massacre in Colorado, Katherine Rose Hoadley
Characterizing Roles of Host Cell Trafficking Factors in HIV Assembly and Release, Huxley Kaminsky Hoffman
Assessing Robustness of the Rasch Mixture Model to Detect Differential Item Functioning - A Monte Carlo Simulation Study, Jinjin Huang
U.S. Democratization in Post-Cold War Russia: A Critique, Franklin T. Hughes
Framing Representation: An Ethnographic Exploration of Visual Sovereignty and Contemporary Native American Art, Laura A. Hughes
Sorting of Cargo Proteins Within the Regulated Secretory Pathway: the Peripheral Membrane Protein HID-1 as a Sorting and Vesicle Biogenesis Factor, Blake H. Hummer
Sex, Love, and Masturbating: A Touchy Subject, Gabrielle Kaminsky-Bayer
An Economic Analysis of Cyber Warfare Governance Models, Kevin M. Kelleher
Female Bildung Before Goethe: An Early Modern Rogue's Endowment, Elisabeth Kinsey
Drawing Identities: An Ethnography of Indigenous Comic Book Creators, Melissa Ann Kocelko
Satellite Constellation Deployment and Management, Joseph Ryan Kopacz
Human Verses Mountain: Climbing, Language, and the Liveliness of Stone, Brian Laidlaw
The Colored Pill: A History Film Performance Exposing Race Based Medicines, Wanda Lakota
Ultrasonic-Based Condition Assessment of Wooden Utility Poles, Yishi Lee
Audience Segmentation Ethics in Health Promotion, Uyen Lili Le
Brokering Access, Belief and Opportunities: A Phenomenology of Black Principals’ Leadership Through a Racialized Lens, Natalie Denise Lewis
What Happens Next? A Grounded Theory Exploration of the Psychological Impact of Leaving the Gang, Alana C. Liskov
China’s One Belt One Road Initiative—A Debt Trap?, Qi Liu
Performing IR, Charles Darwin LuLevitt
Black Finesse Amidst the Political Science Paradigm: A Race-Grounded Phenomenology, Janiece Zalina Mackey
Real-Time Detection of Demand Manipulation Attacks on a Power Grid, Srinidhi Madabhushi
Quantification of Dynamic Epithelial Sheet Architecture in Botryllus Schlosseri Using 2-D & 3-D Image Analysis, Roopa Madhu
Climate Change and Seed Security Among Smallholder Farmers in Northern Ghana, Michael Biwalib Madin
Home Movie, Nowhere, Julia N. Madsen
Poverty in the United States: An Analysis of its Measurement and the Long-Term Social and Economic Costs, Abby Magnus
Aggregated DER Management in Advanced Distribution Grids, Mohsen Mahoor
Is the Reliability of Objective Originality Scores Confounded by Elaboration?, Shannon Marie Maio